Dear people of Mastodon who have lost a beloved #pet:
How did you know you were ready for a new companion? How did you know it was time? Alternatively, how did you know it WASN'T time yet?
(I'm less interested in how long it took to be ready, and more in the cognitive/emotional, psychological/somatic signs that it was or wasn't time.)
#PetLoss #PetGrief #grief #DogsOfMastodon #CatsOfMastodon #greyhound #greyhounds #HeartDog #RainbowBridge
#pet #petloss #petgrief #grief #dogsofmastodon #catsofmastodon #greyhound #greyhounds #heartdog #rainbowbridge
For new followers, you may not know that along with the issue oriented #journalism we publish, we also have a fantastic inbox cleanser newsletter called Companion Chronicles. We interview authors and personalities about life with their #pets
In our latest edition, we were so moved by the conversation with @katiephang who opened up about the loss of her darling Lola at 15 years old. Grab a tissue and read this very special edition. #petgrief #dogs #dogsofmastodon
#Journalism #pets #petgrief #dogs #dogsofmastodon
Absolutely railroaded by #grief today. I finally tried journaling about losing Linus and the emotional aftermath, and it brought up way too much, way too fast. I'm not someone who has trouble with big feelings, but these were next level. I miss him so goddamn much.
#grief #petgrief #petdeath #greyhounds #greyhoundsofmastodon
5dpo. Pretty mobile, and the pain is an annoyance, more than anything (very manageable). I can tell I'm feeling more myself (and clearing anaesthesia and drugs from my system) because the Linus grief rolled back in yesterday. Trying to balance body healing with soul healing, but really wishing I were recovering with my best boy.
#hysterectomy #PostSurgery #PetGrief #PetLoss #greyhounds #DogsOfMastodon
#hysterectomy #postsurgery #petgrief #petloss #greyhounds #dogsofmastodon
Actually very grateful to Microsoft and One Drive, it managed to save so many of my priceless photos and images on all my phones over the years, especially one of my dear precious late kitty Ruby, which I thought were gone forever. Still miss Rube's so much, she was such an angel ! #petgrief #cats
i keep getting everywhere early because i don't have a dog to walk beforehand. so much extra time on my hands, and the hours just fill up with sadness.
#greyhoundsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #petgrief #petdeath
A week ago today I lost my beloved #greyhound Linus to a brain tumor. It was sudden and completely unexpected -- less than 24 hours from symptom onset to euthanasia. He was my heart dog, a soul mate. I've been out of my head with grief, barely able to function. The house is so empty without his presence, his needs, his love. It is truly the worst thing.
#greyhound #greyhoundsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #petgrief
Trying to give Fianna #rabbit lots of attention without pissing her off. Easier said than done.
She's missing Fangh. As am I. A lot.
We have managed to take her vest off & and hopefully, she won't create a wound on her shoulder again. Especially as Fangh isn't here to help it along.
She's also going on a weight loss journey. It was difficult to control without Fangh going without food. But now we can control it more carefully & hopefully get her more active. She's like me, prefers to eat & sleep & resembles a large potato.
#rabbit #animals #petdeath #petgrief #grief #lifeafterdeath
I am that morose buzzkill having a hard time letting go of a cherished pet. Deal with it I guess? Anyway, the cat and dog were uneasily neutral with each other at the best of times, and were never cute friends by any stretch. Here's the cat missing his frenemy this morning. The bed's the only thing I haven't been able to take out yet, and now it's probably going to stay.
#petgrief #caturday #pets #pests #friends
He had a turn around this morning. Appetite returned, food and water, energy for play and bird watching. Right now he’s back to snoozing in a fav spot nearby while I work. The vet and my reading led me to believe he would take a sudden rapid downturn but maybe it will be more about counting bad days vs good #fangcat #petloss #petgrief
My heart is overflowing! 🐈⬛🌈🖤 #Chewy — the online pet store — sent me flowers in honor of sweet Spanky’s passing last month AND refunded the expensive case of prescription wet food I had sitting unopened in the cabinet. What incredible #Empathy in #CustomerService.
Here, Wamba looks up at the beautiful arrangement in loving memory of her brother.
#CatsOfMastodon #Catsodon #PetGrief #Grief #WritersFamiliar #FelineFamiliar #Gattara #CatMom #WambaForever #Caliby
#chewy #empathy #customerservice #catsofmastodon #catsodon #petgrief #grief #writersfamiliar #felinefamiliar #gattara #catmom #wambaforever #caliby
@deborahmeaden I’m so sorry. #petgrief cuts deep. The Blue Cross have a fantastic bereavement service should you or any of your followers need it.
Sad weekend after we had to say goodbye to Red, our 15 ( and a half) year old Vizsla. Our other three were lost without him but today we start re forming our pack. Red will be missed but today I thought of him and smiled. One step at a time #petgrief