Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boy's album, 'Actually'. Released this week in 1987. #petshopboys #petheads #actually #itsasin #whathaveidonetodeservethis #rent #heart
#petshopboys #petheads #actually #itsasin #whathaveidonetodeservethis #rent #heart
Happy 30th anniversary to the Pet Shop Boy's cover of “Go West”. Released this week in 1993. #petshopboys #petheads #gowest #veryrelentless #very
#petshopboys #petheads #gowest #veryrelentless #very
Happy anniversary to Pet Shop Boys album, 'Bilingual'. Released this week in 1996. #petshopboys #psb #petheads #bilingual #before #seavidae #thatsthewaylifeis #singlebilingual #aredletterday #somewhere
#petshopboys #psb #petheads #bilingual #before #seavidae #thatsthewaylifeis #singlebilingual #aredletterday #Somewhere
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “What Have I Done To Deserve This” with Dusty Springfield. Released this week in 1987. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #whathaveidonetodeservethis #actually #anewlife #rent #dustyspringfield
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #whathaveidonetodeservethis #actually #anewlife #rent #DustySpringfield
Happy 10th anniversary to the the Pet Shop Boys single, “Vocal”. Released this week in 2013. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #electric #vocal #innersanctum
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #electric #vocal #innersanctum
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “Minimal”. Released this week in 2006. #petshopboys #psb #petheads #fundamental #minimal #inprivate #blueonblue #notimefortears
#petshopboys #psb #petheads #Fundamental #minimal #inprivate #blueonblue #notimefortears
Happy 10th anniversary to the the Pet Shop Boys album, ‘Electric’. Released this week in 2013. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #electric #axis #vocal #loveisbourgeoisconstruct #thursday #fluorescent
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #electric #axis #vocal #loveisbourgeoisconstruct #thursday #fluorescent
Wishing a very happy birthday to Neil Tennant of the Pet Shop Boys! #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #neiltennant
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #NeilTennant
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots Of Money)”. Released this week in 1985 (and later re-released the week of May 19, 1986). #petshopboys #psb #petheads #opportunities #letsmakelotsofmoney #inthenight #please
#petshopboys #psb #petheads #opportunities #letsmakelotsofmoney #inthenight #please
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “It’s Alright”. Released this week in 1989. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #itsalright #introspective #yourfunnyuncle #oneofthecrowd
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #itsalright #introspective #yourfunnyuncle #oneofthecrowd
Happy release day to Pet Shop Boys compilation album, ‘Smash: The Singles 1985-2020’. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #PetShopBoysSmash #smash
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #petshopboyssmash #smash
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “It’s A Sin”. Released this week in 1987. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #itsasin #actually #youknowwhereyouwentwrong
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #itsasin #actually #youknowwhereyouwentwrong
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys debut single, “West End Girls” (the original and best version IMO). Released this week in 1984. #petshopboys #psb #petheads #westendgirls #bobbyo #bobbyorlando #bobcatrecords #HiNRG
#petshopboys #psb #petheads #WestEndGirls #bobbyo #bobbyorlando #bobcatrecords #hinrg
Happy anniversary to the the Pet Shop Boys album, ‘Super’. Released this week in 2016. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #super #thepopkids #twentysomething #innersanctum #sayittome #undertow
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #super #thepopkids #twentysomething #innersanctum #sayittome #undertow
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys album, ‘Release’. Released this week in 2002. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #release #homeanddry #igetalong #london #sexynortherner #miracles #flamboyant
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #Release #homeanddry #igetalong #london #sexynortherner #Miracles #flamboyant
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “Flamboyant”. Released this week in 2004. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #flamboyant #popart
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #flamboyant #popart
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys debut album, ‘Please’. Released this week in 1986. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #please #westendgirls #opportunities #lovecomesquickly #suburbia
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #please #WestEndGirls #opportunities #lovecomesquickly #suburbia
Happy 35th anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “Heart”. Released this week in 1988. #petshopboys #psb #petheads #heart #actually #igetexcited #yougetexcitedtoo #itcouldhappenhere #ianmckellen
#petshopboys #psb #petheads #heart #actually #igetexcited #yougetexcitedtoo #ItCouldHappenHere #ianmckellen
Happy anniversary to Pet Shop Boys single, “Where The Streets Have No Name (I Can’t Take My Eyes Off You)”. Released this week in 1991. #petshopboys #psb #petheads #wherethestreetshavenoname #canttakemyeyesoffyou #behaviour
#petshopboys #psb #petheads #WhereTheStreetsHaveNoName #canttakemyeyesoffyou #behaviour
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “Love Comes Quickly”. Released this week in 1986. #petshopboys #psb #petheads #lovecomesquickly #please #thatsmyimpression
#petshopboys #psb #petheads #lovecomesquickly #please #thatsmyimpression