At very long last, it's time for me to welcome you back into the lab.
Tonight I am working on my #VirtualPet project, #PETI, using the ancient black art of Leaded Solder. I know, I know, I'm an absolute monster. I own what I own.
If this piece works it's a pretty major milestone so... yeah. Bully for me.
#virtualpet #peti #smallstreamer #scienceandtech #twitch
Oh hey so by the way tonight, in like seven and a half hours or so from the time of posting (at 2330 UTC), I am going to be live *from the lab* at and I am going to be doing some soldering on a self-designed part for my #virtualpet project, #PETI. And maybe some CAD.
There will be sick tunes. There will be good times.
Woop woop! Got my hands on what is hopefully the final revision of the most complex part of the #PETI development kit.
#peti #maker #embeddeddevelopment #virtualpet
As what is now a very late present to myself I just put in orders to get five of the new back-board design for #PETI done, and another batch of stuff from digikey.
If all goes according to millhouse there will be a few spares on offer. Might be time to do up the documentation proper so that other people can make sense of the dev kit.
I put it off for like two weeks and then it ended up taking less than an hour to handle all the routing for the #PETI rear expansion board redesign.
When I finally get around to ordering some milled, and if they then work (they should), this part effectively completes all the hardware considerations for the development kit.
I'm really, really, happy to be back inside my lab. I'm a cozy little enginerd, and you can too!
Come join me while we listen to cozy winter music (not of the christmas variety!), talk nerdy things, and tinker on my little #PETI #VirtualPet project.
I did a little writeup on the most interesting part of the last firmware update for #PETI, my homebrew, #FOSS/#OSHW-ish Virtual Pet project.
This talks briefly about settling on the use of an LCG for "randomness", why that's *fine* for a game, and then why mine, specifically, sucks.
I woke up this morning at like 6 AM, inexplicably, so after I ate I decided to lay out the new parts for the next revision of the #PETI dev kit's back board.
There's still some tweaks to do, and traces to route, but I'm pleased with it, as always. #KiCAD is really a mighty tool. Yet another #FOSS victory.
The back-board lets the PETI development kit be used without being tethered to a USB power source and adds the expansion header bus, a chip select pin for the LCD (for use with my video capture app), the power management hardware, and a few indicator LEDs, along with a 15kHz buzzer for the alerts system.
Prima i peti ora il sudore: il nuovo modo di fare i soldi di una TikToker #peti #sudore #modo #soldi #tiktoker #5giugno
#5giugno #TikToker #soldi #modo #sudore #peti