Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
459 followers · 1234 posts · Server

Last night I was gifted with my baby boy having all kinds of energy and just genuinely wanting to be near me and be given as much love as possible 🥹

When I came home early to take care of him yesterday I felt so fucking blessed just to have him acting normal.. I love him so much, and just one really good day with him makes everything worth it. I got up this morning to him so excited to see me and to get food and water but.. while he is hungry and really wants to eat, and I have put out so many different types of food for him.. it's now just his inability to physically eat that's mostly in the way 😓

I'm being told not to get my hopes up.. but Gods help me, I'm so grateful he's still here for the moment! Anyways, thank you all so so so fucking much for all the love, prayers, and healing energy you've sent our way-- it has not gone unnoticed or underappreciated I promise! 💗

#pets #petlove #familiar #petillness #petloss

Last updated 2 years ago

Darth KittyToes · @AmandaRex
26 followers · 346 posts · Server

I’m up overnight because Seb’s sickness had continued last night. I wanna desperately not panic because we are switching his cat food to the new prescription diet. So I’m really hoping his tummy is just unsettled, but I still can’t even fathom sleeping.


Last updated 2 years ago