Happy Father's Day! My favorite slut in training, Tess from the #petimore universe shows her daddy some love on this special day.
https://files.catbox.moe/oz33ak.mp4 119fps version
#petimore #3d #3dcg #fathersday #cowgirl #animation #nosound
It doesn't loop too nicely sob sob
#animation #nosound #3d #3dcg #daz3d #loli #minotaur #bestiality #furry #petimore
#animation #nosound #3d #3dcg #daz3d #loli #minotaur #bestiality #furry #petimore
OK Plan is to link these all together at some point to make a 2-5 min video? This is all part of the Symes Hospital Outreach Program for Deranged Reprobates on Pheromones or SHOP: DROP.
Instead of money, some of the patients affected adversely by the clinical trials opt for more...unconventional "hush money"
#bestiality #petimore #animation #nosound
OK The end. Hope you enjoyed this crazy ass story :D Maybe I can use Eva for something later but I kind of doubt it. The whole point of this was to be a standalone story so I'm not too interested in making her a long term prospect. Not to go all youtube on you but if you enjoyed this story go ahead and comment below 💌
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
Lol. Don't give me other people's work to do on top of my own or I get pissy and murder people off in my stories I guess. TBF this is on you, gentle reader. I had them all going out in a house fire off screen but nooooo we can't have Dean turn into a gorilla we need D'Kimbe to save Eva.😅
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
I'd REALLY hoped to wrap this story up today. It was originally intended to be 10-20 pages but I got a little carried away with taking things to 11. My bad! Anyway using my lunch break to caption porn is a fantastic use of my time. Get off my back dad!
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
Eva, there's no possible way...
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
wowowow Cindy has gone full psychopath! Poor Bradley.
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
Ha take that Brad! Love to have bratty brothers get their cum-uppence
Also, I spent an inordinate amount of time adding jizz puddles that you can't even see to Brad's bed. Oh well lol it was fun.
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
Yeah yeah, for eagle eyed readers of mine this single image has some pretty MASSIVE ramifications but to all others - -hey look futa!
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum #futa #growth #transformation
PSA: Markus Symes does not represent my personal feelings -- he's a character that has already been established he's a dick.
This is the obligatory "tie this into the Petimore Universe a little bit" sequence.
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum
OK we're ....almost done with this story. Gotta force myself to be done for the day so I can work on my secret project.
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum
Dean is having some misgivings but he's also stupid and ruled by his ridiculous sex drive. OK gotta wrap this little mini scene up now. I have a surprise that I'm working on behind the scenes here that I want to devote a little more effort to.
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum
Lol the next image in this set is pretty good. I gotta re-render and put a bra on her because the freckle LIE distorts around the bottom of Eva's breasts, and once again Cindy's hair is just clipping through absolutely everything.
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #breakfast #cum
This hair on Cindy is great for single scenes with few other objects in it - very realistic and the color options are great. Highly recommend Classic blowout hair.
That said.
It's an absolute nightmare when she's in so many scenes. I've given up trying to simulate it as dforce is just an absolute annoyance and craps out, makes it fly in a billion mile directions and crashes daz, or will just throw an error at the outset.
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged
#petimore #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged
Brad can't find the clit, which is surprising to no one.
Poor Cindy, if only there were some way that she could get on board the bang-train.....
oh wait, there is.
#petimore #oneshot #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged
#petimore #oneshot #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged
I'm cheating a little since this is supposed to be about Eva but who doesn't love a little mom/son revenge?
#petimore #oneshot #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #voyuer
#petimore #oneshot #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged #voyuer
Good ole Brad. I bet we all wish we had brothers like Brad...or maybe we don't. IDK, my brother was very boring but hey- that's OK!
#petimore #oneshot #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged
#petimore #oneshot #incest #mom #son #brother #dad #family #mindcontrol #drugged