I've been enjoying my wanders on the #GwentLevels recently, the idea that these unique habitats are threatened is infuriating 😤, have a read and sign the petitions if you feel the same:
"New battle to save unique Gwent Levels from development": https://nation.cymru/news/new-battle-to-save-unique-gwent-levels-from-development/
#gwentlevels #cymru #Wales #nature #petitions
Strong showing by #Cardiff and #Penarth out of the first ten signatories in my petition ✊
#cardiff #penarth #petitions #senedd
Liebe #Petitions-Interessierte,
ich habe gerade die #Petition #Verkehrsinfrastruktur sanieren vor #Neubau! auf #WeAct unterschrieben und würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr auch mitmacht.
Je mehr Menschen die Petition unterstützen, desto größer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie Erfolg hat. Hier könnt ihr mehr erfahren und unterzeichnen:
Vielen Dank!
#petitions #petition #Verkehrsinfrastruktur #neubau #weact
#Ohio #electionworkers crack the whip to validate #petitions for #Novemberballot issues
#ohio #electionworkers #petitions #novemberballot
@TonyStark To this thread (read up from here) I add @resistbot, a great, easy to use tool you can use to quickly and easily contact the #WhiteHouse, your #federal #legislators (#House and #Senate), #governor, check your #VoterRegistration status (critical in states like mine, Florida), create and share #petitions and sign those created by others, and other #civic responsibility and rights activities.
Text #50409
Their guide:
#civic #petitions #VoterRegistration #governor #senate #house #legislators #federal #whitehouse
Slight mini-#rant.
I have no problem with people posting about #activist causes, #petitions, writing letters to #politicians, or anything like that. It's a healthy part of a #democracy, and encouraging others to take part is a noble thing to do.
Please don't do it in the form of "Please go to this page and click <option A>" or "Clicking here will take you to a prefilled letter to...".
Go ahead and post your #opinion. But please don't tell others what to #think; let them #decide.
#rant #activist #petitions #politicians #democracy #however #Opinion #think #decide
I've just signed this petition. You can too, if you feel like it.
#UKPolitics #Petitions #ByeByeBoris #FuckTheTories #HonoursList
#honourslist #FuckTheTories #byeByeBoris #petitions #ukpolitics
Petition – Don’t Take Away Freedom of Speech, Hillingdon Council
Our freedom of speech is at risk in Hillingdon. Sign a petition to tell Hillingdon Council that this isn't okay.
#Petitions #democracy #freespeech #hillingdon #humanrights #law #Politics #UK #ukpolitics
#petitions #democracy #FreeSpeech #Hillingdon #humanrights #law #politics #uk #ukpolitics
#Pétitions de l'#AssembléeNationale – Pour juger de la #destitution de l'occupant de l'Elysée
Bien que le but prétendu de cette pétition n'ai aucune chance d'aboutir, je pense qu'il est important qu'elle soit mise en avant. Ça participe à mettre une certaine ambiance, à créer un rapport de force médiatique notamment, tout comme le fait le #blackbloc les #manif
Cette lutte est asymétrique il nous faut donc user de tous les stratagèmes possible. Vive le #sabotage !!!
#petitions #assembleenationale #destitution #blackbloc #manif #sabotage
Heute Morgen im Petitionsausschuss: Petitionen zu streunenden Hunden. 2012 hat das Europäische Parlament eine Resolution zur Begründung eines EU-Rechtsrahmens für den Schutz von Haustieren und streunenden Tieren erlassen - diese Themen bleiben wichtig. #Petitions #Committees
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UliMuellerMdEP/status/1651489379259383808
When England and Wales voted Scotland and NI out of the EU against our will, it was the second most sickening defining moment of my adult life.
Without getting drawn into the #democratic debate being the decision of the UK combined, I believe the math involved speaks for itself. That said, I strongly believe we were lied to (and not just in 2014).
So, I (we) call upon the Government to hold a Public Inquiry into the impact of #Brexit #Petitions
#petitions #brexit #democratic
When England and Wales voted Scotland and NI out of the EU against our will, it was the second most sickening defining moment of my adult life.
Without getting drawn into the #democratic debate being the decision of the UK combined, I believe the math involved speaks for itself. That said, I strongly believe we were lied to (and not just in 2014).
So, I (we) call upon the Government to hold a Public Inquiry into the impact of #Brexit #Petitions
#petitions #brexit #democratic
When England and Wales voted Scotland and NI out of the EU against our will, it was the second most sickening defining moment of my adult life.
Without getting drawn into the #democratic debate being the decision of the UK combined, I believe the math involved speaks for itself. That said, I strongly believe we were lied to (and not just in 2014).
So, I (we) call upon the Government to hold a Public Inquiry into the impact of #Brexit #Petitions
#petitions #brexit #democratic
When England and Wales voted Scotland and NI out of the EU against our will, it was the second most sickening defining moment of my adult life.
Without getting drawn into the #democratic discussion being the decision of the UK combined, I believe the math involved speaks for itself. That said, I strongly believe we were lied to (and not just in 2014).
So, we call upon the Government to hold a Public Inquiry into the impact of #Brexit #Petitions
#petitions #brexit #democratic
When England and Wales voted Scotland and NI out of the EU against our will, it was the second most sickening defining moment of my adult life.
Without getting drawn into the #democratic discussion being the decision of the UK combined, I believe the math involved speaks for itself. That said, I strongly believe we were lied to (and not just in 2014).
So, we call upon the Government to hold a Public Inquiry into the impact of #Brexit #Petitions
#petitions #brexit #democratic
Shut down the UK Ministry of Truth
My name’s Mark and I’m a human rights campaigner. I’ve just found out I was included in a government Mis/Disinformation Report for sharing a petition from the official Parliamentary petitions website
And it’s clear that I’m not the only one.
#ToryDictatorship #censorship #spying #safety #privacy #security #ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCorruption #DemocracyNotAutocracy #HumanRights #disinformation #UnitedKingdom #ToryScum #petitions
#petitions #ToryScum #unitedkingdom #disinformation #humanrights #DemocracyNotAutocracy #ToryCorruption #ToryFascistDictatorship #security #privacy #safety #spying #censorship #ToryDictatorship
Voici quelques #pétitions que je juge intéressantes et qu'il serait bon que le Sénat étudie :
- Pour une taxe #superprofits vraiment à la hauteur de la crise (de Cécile Duflot)
- Interdiction de la #chasse les dimanches et les jours fériés
- Utilisation des méthodes non-animales dans la #recherche et la réglementation : demande d'une mission d'information
#recherche #chasse #SuperProfits #petitions
Voici quelques #pétitions que je juge intéressantes, qui pourraient être étudiées par le Sénat :
- Pour une taxe #superprofits vraiment à la hauteur de la crise (de Cécile Duflot)
- Interdiction de la #chasse les dimanches et les jours fériés
- Utilisation des méthodes non-animales dans la #recherche et la réglementation : demande d'une mission d'information
#recherche #chasse #SuperProfits #petitions
Make swift bricks compulsory in new housing to help red-listed birds
Swifts have declined by over 50% in the UK. Adult swifts, known for site-fidelity, return to the same nests. We want swift bricks to be required in all new housing, to provide homes for these birds. Surveys show these are used by red-listed swifts, house martins, starlings and house sparrows #Petitions #birds #nature