My mom's visiting and I'd say Theo is happy to see #grandma
#grandma #petpictures #dogpictures #dog #HappyDog
Okay, new friends, older friends, those in between in honor of #P4A late at night, we celebrate #DoggOclock Bust out those #petpictures and let us all glory in their cuteness!! Also, now is a great time to take a break, get some rest, eat something, hydrate, and/or take those needed meds!! The internet will exist tomorrow, practice some #selfcare you deserve it!! 💯💖😁
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #pets #DFTBA
#Nerdfighter #community #dog
#P4A #DoggoClock #petpictures #selfcare #dogs #dogsofmastodon #pets #dftba #nerdfighter #community #dog
Oh this gives me an excuse to post pictures of my #cats again, hell yeah