So it seems like #petrocanada has given up putting windshield washer fluid in their complimentary squeegee wash, so I'm literally just washing bird poop off with the water other people washed bird poop off with 😔
Tech (Global News): Petro-Canada payments systems largely restored in wake of cyberattack: Suncor #globalnews #TechNews #Technology #debittransactions #Petro-Points #Cyberattack #GasStations #PetroCanada #GasStation #OilandGas #Canada #Suncor #Tech
#globalnews #technews #technology #debittransactions #petro #cyberattack #GasStations #petrocanada #gasstation #oilandgas #Canada #suncor #Tech
Global News BC: ‘It’s been horrible’: Drivers still dealing with gas, diesel mix-up in Rock Creek, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BoundaryCountryRegion #DieselFuelMix-up #DieselTrucks #CooperCreek #PetroCanada #GasStation #RockCreek #PetroCan #G&BFuel #Canada #Gas
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #boundarycountryregion #dieselfuelmix #dieseltrucks #coopercreek #petrocanada #gasstation #rockcreek #petrocan #g #Canada #gas
For some inexplicable reason I still had it stuck in my head #PetroCanada was a #CrownCorp (versus, more obviously, being a for-profit #GasStation #brand owned & operated by an #OilCompany…)
#petrocanada #CrownCorp #gasstation #brand #oilcompany #canada