Not listened to this in a while.
I am led to believe the band goes off too quickly at the start - hence the rolled eyes - but then from the middle 8 onwards she's cooking with gas.
#PetulaClark "I Know A Place" on The Ed Sullivan Show
"My Love" is a 1965 single release by #PetulaClark which, in early 1966, became an international hit, reaching No. 1 in the US: the track continued Clark's collaboration with songwriter and record producer #TonyHatch.
met deze band jammen.
Page zal in het begin vooral als sessiemuzikant spelen, zo oa bij #ColumbiaGraphophoneCompany en bij #DeccaRecords voor oa de single Diamonds van #JetHarris en #TommyMeehan.
Hij zal vanaf 1962 een full-time sessiemuzikant worden, hij zal de favoriete gitarist worden van #ShelTalmy en oa werken voor #TheWho en #TheKinks.
Hij zal oa ook spelen op #Goldfinger van #ShirleyBassey en #Downtown van #PetulaClark.
In 1965 wordt hij ingehuurd door #AndrewLoogOldham, om producer
#columbiagraphophonecompany #deccarecords #jetharris #tommymeehan #sheltalmy #TheWho #thekinks #goldfinger #shirleybassey #Downtown #petulaclark #andrewloogoldham
My radio show Very Very Vintage: Foreign Language Versions 2 goes out on Sunday 9th April 2023 at 1800 BST (1700 GMT/UTC) on #FromeFM 96.6 MHz in the #frome area or via
Playing foreign language versions of well-known songs by the likes of #conniefrancis #PetulaClark #katebush and @thebeatles
#UdoLindenberg #ComedianHarmonists #martakubisova #kraftwerk
#kraftwerk #martakubisova #ComedianHarmonists #UdoLindenberg #katebush #petulaclark #conniefrancis #frome #fromefm
#PetulaClark #60sMusic #EdSullivan
This is terrific. She starts cooking around the middle 8 and absolutely belts out the finale.
Petula Clark "I Know A Place" on The Ed Sullivan Show
#petulaclark #60smusic #edsullivan
I just watched The Card (Ronald Neame, 1952) and rated it 8/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastadon #TheCard #RonaldNeame #ArnoldBennett #AlecGuinness #ValerieHobson #GlynisJohns #PetulaClark
#petulaclark #glynisjohns #valeriehobson #AlecGuinness #arnoldbennett #ronaldneame #thecard #cinemastadon #cinema #films
Still trying to sketch people. Top sketch is meant to be a young Petula Clark from I Know Where I'm Going - it's Pet's birthday today.
Bottom scribble is a copy of a Toulouse Lautrec sketch, inspired by watching John Huston's Moulin Rouge (1952) this afternoon.
#sketch #pencil #watercolour #PetulaClark #IKnowWhereImGoing #ToulouseLautrec #cinemastadon #drawing #IDontDoPeople
#idontdopeople #drawing #cinemastadon #toulouselautrec #IKnowWhereImGoing #petulaclark #watercolour #pencil #sketch