🧵 3/ Star: https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/culture/2023/08/23/gamelan-and-the-call-of-the-seagrass
"building a community of arts practitioners dedicated to environmental #conservation, and creating new work...
...the Malay #gamelan instrument is synonymous with rhythmic patterns that emulate the sound of ocean waves..."
#Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation, Creative Director of #RhythmInBronze, Dr #JillianOoi. #SeruanSetu, #KL performances 24-27Aug, conference 29Aug.
#MarineBiology #seagrass #endangered #habitat #ArtAndEnvironment
#conservation #gamelan #pew #rhythminbronze #jillianooi #seruansetu #kl #marinebiology #seagrass #endangered #habitat #artandenvironment
TheOnion: Poll Finds Ron DeSantis Candidate Voters Could Most Imagine Drinking Beer Alone https://www.theonion.com/poll-finds-ron-desantis-candidate-voters-could-most-ima-1850687509 #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #hospitalityrecreation #rondesantis #kevinneeley #desantis #heineken #politics #trump #beer #pew
#rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #hospitalityrecreation #rondesantis #kevinneeley #desantis #heineken #politics #trump #beer #pew
#China’s reputation as a leading #economic power is fast eroding, w/ only a 30% of global countries surveyed by #Pew viewing it, as the world's top economic player.
Pew Research Center survey of Americans who have used #Twitter in the past year:
60% have taken a break from it in the past year
69% of women users
67% of black users
25% say they're not at all likely to be on the platform in a year
30% of women users
35% of Dem/lean Dem women
"Republican men stand out as the most likely to say they will use the platform a year from now (51%)"
#pew #SocialMedia #women #uspolitics
#Twitter #pew #socialmedia #women #uspolitics
#Pew - Six-in-ten Americans who have used #Twitter in the past 12 months say they have taken a #break from the #platform for a period of several weeks or more during that span, while roughly four-in-ten (39%) say they have not done this, according to the survey of U.S. adults, conducted March 13-19, 2023. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/05/17/majority-of-us-twitter-users-say-theyve-taken-a-break-from-the-platform-in-the-past-year/ #SocialMedia #Birdsite #Twitter
#pew #twitter #break #platform #socialmedia #birdsite
On April 20th Pew Published a poll regarding secular non-religious morality.
The results are truly wild, jaw-dropping, & rather interesting.
#god #morality #poll #pew #SecularMorality #GoodWithoutGod
#goodwithoutgod #secularmorality #pew #poll #morality #god
According to #Pew, 62% believe #AI will have major impact on workers in general, but only 28% think they themselves will be greatly affected.
Is this a manifestation of self exceptionalism, or is it because the more you know about a profession, the less you think AI can do it?
#pew #ai #futureofwork #survey
Pew published a poll on April 13 which revealed that many young Latinos are abandoning their traditional Catholicism — why is this happening?
#poll #pew #survey #society #belief #decline #catholic
#catholic #decline #belief #society #survey #pew #poll
Yesterday was hard for us, but we already had an appointment for checkups for the rattos. They did great. There was screaming and voicing of opinions. We needed extra people in the room to help out. The boys were happy hanging out with Jason and the vet tech with the long hair. Scout was also thrilled for lovey time. Cereza just wanted to move everywhere. When we got home, Scout and Dante gave Jason lots of love. They knew he was hurting. It was a nice afternoon. 🐁💜
Pew just released a new survey that reveals how people feel about other religious or non-religious demographics.
Nobody except Mormons like the Evangelicals.
#religion #christianity #evangelicals #survey #Society #poll #Pew
#pew #poll #society #survey #evangelicals #christianity #religion
''Evangelicals Are the Most Beloved US Faith Group Among Evangelicals: And among the worst-rated by everybody else.'' https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2023/march/evangelical-reputation-negative-us-survey-religious-groups-.html
"Many evangelicals can speculate the reasons behind the negative reputation. Evangelical identity in the United States became associated with additional political baggage in recent years, as more supporters of President Donald Trump took on the label."
Uh huh. Politics is the bane of authentic Christianity. God is not your 'party.'
"More People Are Freaked Out by AI Than Excited About It" https://www.pcmag.com/news/not-a-fan-more-people-are-freaked-out-by-ai-than-excited-about-it #AI #PEW
"More People Are Freaked Out by AI Than Excited About It" https://www.pcmag.com/news/not-a-fan-more-people-are-freaked-out-by-ai-than-excited-about-it #AI #chatbot #PEW
Pew’s Stateline finds a new home with nonprofit States Newsroom #2023_03_08 #nieman_lab #sarah_scire #featured_art #regular_post #chris_fitzsimon #pew #scott_greenberger #statehouse_coverage #statehouse_reporting
>> https://www.niemanlab.org/2023/03/pews-stateline-finds-a-new-home-with-nonprofit-states-newsroom/
#2023_03_08 #nieman_lab #sarah_scire #featured_art #regular_post #chris_fitzsimon #pew #scott_greenberger #statehouse_coverage #statehouse_reporting
Restrictions on religion don’t just affect those who are religious. People who are religiously unaffiliated also are harassed because of what they believe. In 2020, the number of countries where religiously unaffiliated people experienced harassment rose notably, according to Pew Research Center’s recent report about restrictions on religion around the world.