I've been enjoying the #BaldAndBankrupt YouTube channel by Benjamin Rich (aka Arthur Chichester.)
He's having excellent adventures in #Belarus, #EasternEurope, Cuba, India.
#imaginemyshock when I saw that even #PaulJosephWatson has left comments on his videos!
#PewDePie declared his channel a favorite in 2019!
In this episode he goes to visit an old Babushka living in the forest near #Chernobyl!
#BaldAndBankrupt #belarus #easterneurope #imaginemyshock #pauljosephwatson #pewdepie #chernobyl
This UK youtubers joining UKIP movement in a soft coup to take over the party and repurpose it - is rapidly developing into NAshow worthy source material.
Please enjoy V's summary in his R'R'Roling R'R'Rs Romanian accent:
They are even gonna invite PewDePie???
#UKIP #youtubers #sargonOfAkkad #CountDankula #Vee #paulJosephWatson #pewDePie #tommyRobinson
#ukip #youtubers #sargonofakkad #countdankula #vee #pauljosephwatson #pewdepie #tommyrobinson