“The health and safety of the American Public isn't the government's job ”
itnewsbot@schleuss.online - Once again, the US public says NASA should prioritize asteroid defense - Enlarge / Artist’s illustration shows the ejection of a cloud of debris... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1955310 #pewresearchcenter #science #space
#pewresearchcenter #science #Space
Once again, the US public says NASA should prioritize asteroid defense - Enlarge / Artist’s illustration shows the ejection of a cloud of debris... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1955310 #pewresearchcenter #science #space
#space #science #pewresearchcenter
Ars Technica: Once again, the US public says NASA should prioritize asteroid defense https://arstechnica.com/?p=1955310 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #pewresearchcenter #Science #Space #space
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #pewresearchcenter #science #space
The Tyee: On Growing Up Mixed-Race, and Where We’re Really From https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/06/06/Charlotte-Gill-Author-Interview/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #PewResearchCenterinterracialmarriages #AlmostBrown:AMixed-RaceFamilyMemoir #HazlittWhereAreYouFromessay #PenguinRandomHouseCanada #AuthorCharlotteGill #Canadianlitterature #Mixed-racecouples #PewResearchCenter #Mixed-raceCanada #MexicanCanadian #mixedethnicity
#BCNews #TheTyee #pewresearchcenterinterracialmarriages #almostbrown #hazlittwhereareyoufromessay #penguinrandomhousecanada #authorcharlottegill #canadianlitterature #mixed #pewresearchcenter #mexicancanadian #mixedethnicity
Cresce o número de mulheres que ganham mais que seus maridos, mostra estudo
#Salários #PewResearchCenter #Casamento #Manchete #ForbesMulher
#salarios #pewresearchcenter #casamento #manchete #forbesmulher
What's this business that 'Guns don't kill people?'
**Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years**
The number of children and teens killed by gunfire in the United States increased 50% between 2019 and 2021, according to a #PewResearchCenter analysis of the latest annual mortality statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (#CDC.)
#guns #gunviolence #shooting #mortality #homocide #suicide
#pewresearchcenter #cdc #guns #gunviolence #shooting #mortality #homocide #Suicide
Trabalho 100% remoto recua, mas segue cinco vezes acima do pré-pandemia
#TrabalhoRemoto #TrabalhoHíbrido #PewResearchCenter #Carreira
#trabalhoremoto #trabalhohibrido #pewresearchcenter #carreira
“What makes someone a good member of society?
When asked whether seven different actions and behaviors are important to answering this question, respondents put voting at the top of the list. A median of 91% of adults in 19 nations polled say that to be a good member of society, you must vote. Most also said taking steps to reduce effects of climate change, getting a COVID-19 vaccine…” #PewResearchCenter
“What makes someone a good member of society?
When asked whether seven different actions and behaviors are important to answering this question, respondents put voting at the top of the list. A median of 91% of adults in 19 nations polled say that to be a good member of society, you must vote. Most also said taking steps to reduce effects of climate change, getting a COVID-19 vaccine…” #PewResearchCenter
News on Fringe Social Sites Draws Limited but Loyal Fans, Report Finds - The appeal of platforms like Parler, Truth Social and Telegram is another symptom of the ... - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/06/technology/parler-truth-social-telegram-pew.html #right-wingextremismandalt-right #freedomofspeechandexpression #truthsocial(socialnetwork) #fringegroupsandmovements #rumorsandmisinformation #conspiracytheories #freedomofthepress #pewresearchcenter #newsandnewsmedia #trumpdonaldj #research
#research #trumpdonaldj #newsandnewsmedia #pewresearchcenter #freedomofthepress #conspiracytheories #rumorsandmisinformation #fringegroupsandmovements #truthsocial #freedomofspeechandexpression #right
News on Fringe Social Sites Draws Limited but Loyal Fans, Report Finds - The appeal of platforms like Parler, Truth Social and Telegram is another symptom of the ... - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/06/technology/news-on-fringe-social-sites-draws-limited-but-loyal-fans-report-finds.html #right-wingextremismandalt-right #freedomofspeechandexpression #truthsocial(socialnetwork) #fringegroupsandmovements #rumorsandmisinformation #conspiracytheories #freedomofthepress #pewresearchcenter
#pewresearchcenter #freedomofthepress #conspiracytheories #rumorsandmisinformation #fringegroupsandmovements #truthsocial #freedomofspeechandexpression #right
Mehr Frauen in US-Moscheegemeinden aktiv
Washington (KNA). Der Anteil von engagierten Frauen im islamischen Gemeindeleben in den USA hat sich laut einer aktuellen Studie in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich erhöht.
So seien im vergangenen Jahr in 21 Prozent der Moscheen mehr als ein Viertel der Gottesdienstbesuchenden weiblich gewesen, im Vergleich
#Frauen #Moscheereport #USA #Fraue #PEWResearchCenter #Teilhabe #usa
#frauen #Moscheereport #usa #Fraue #pewresearchcenter #teilhabe