Scusate il ritardo, ho trovato traffico.
#UnoMusica #UnoRadio #music #musica #mastoMusica
#PFM Impressioni di settembre
#unomusica #unoradio #music #musica #mastomusica #pfm
Morgen zufällig in #wetzlar auf dem #brückenfest und #progrock-Fan? Dann kommt vorbei: Cadence&Cascade (wir) spielen Songs der #70er aus #Italien und anderswo:#PFM, #newtrolls, #banco, #LeOrme, etc. 16:30h auf der Bühne am #haarplatz. Garantiert schnulzen- und schlagerfrei.
#haarplatz #leorme #banco #newtrolls #pfm #italien #70er #progrock #bruckenfest #wetzlar
Scusate il ritardo, ho trovato traffico.
#UnoMusica #UnoRadio #music #musica #mastoMusica
#PFM Impressioni di settembre
#unomusica #unoradio #music #musica #mastomusica #pfm
#fediRadio #DiscoDelGiorno
#np #nowplaying
#PremiataForneriaMarconi — "Impressioni di settembre"
#fediradio #discoDelGiorno #np #nowplaying #premiataforneriamarconi #pfm #rockprogressivoitaliano #progrock
In #butjadingen gestrandet, #progrock-Fan und Donnerstag noch nichts vor? Da weiß ich was: Cadence&Cascade (wir) spielen Songs der 70er aus #Italien und anderswo:#PFM, #NewTrolls, #banco, #LeOrme, #Branduardi etc. Ab 19:30h in der Konzertmuschel #Tossens, Eintritt frei.Garantiert schnulzen- und schlagerbefreit.
#tossens #branduardi #leorme #banco #newtrolls #pfm #italien #progrock #butjadingen
July 07, 2023 at 01:01AM
July 02, 2023 at 10:33PM
一次:首都圏だけ申し込んで全落 二次:首都圏+名古屋申し込んで名古屋だけ当選 でした。
#ホールトゥワー #pfm #prfm
June 28, 2023 at 10:26PM
Wieder mal gelangweilt? Im Rhein-Neckar-Kraichgau-Gebiet zugange? Nach Livemusik schmachtend, die man noch nicht 1000x gehört hat? Dem kann geholfen werden!
Wir (Gitarrenduo) singen und spielen ab 18:00h in "Der Biergarten", Wiesenbacher Landstraße 19, 69245 Bammental. Geboten werden Lieder des italienischen Progrocks der 70er. Keine Schnulzen, kein Italopop :-) #pfm #banco #leorme #newtrolls #progrock #elioelestorietese #bammental #rs-biergarten
#rs #bammental #elioelestorietese #progrock #newtrolls #leorme #banco #pfm
Wer morgen in der Nähe von Rodgau ist und noch nichts vorhat: Wir (Gitarrenduo) singen und spielen ab 13:45h auf dem Puiseauxplatz Lieder des italienischen Progrocks der 70er. #pfm #banco #leorme #newtrolls #progrock #elioelestorietese #rodgau
#elioelestorietese #rodgau #progrock #newtrolls #leorme #banco #pfm
CA Sri Lanka & APFASL launches Master’s Degree in Public Financial Management – Lanka Business Online
Pfm (Premiata #ForneriaMarconi) in concerto al teatro Massimo
La #Pfm-Premiata #ForneriaMarconi sarà in concerto al teatro #MassimodiPescara (sala 1) il 26 ge[...]
Pfm (Premiata #ForneriaMarconi) in concert at the Massimo Theatre
#Pfm-Premiata #ForneriaMarconi will be in concert at #theTeatroMassimo in #Pescara (hall 1) on #26June.
2-5-2023 12:49 #IlPescara
#forneriamarconi #pfm #massimodipescara #theteatromassimo #pescara #26june #ilpescara
I enjoy data that busts common myths about a traditional demographic segment. Gen Z bought more homes than Millenials. And social media - not #banks or #PFM or #challengerbanks or #fintech - may be helping them do that.
"The increased focus on social media by each successive generation may have been another factor for Gabriel.
"I watched a lot of YouTube videos by other people my age about how they were able to buy their homes at 21 and 22," she said. "It really pushed me."
#banks #pfm #challengerbanks #fintech
Probably the most successful prog band from Italy were Premiata Forneria Marconi, or #PFM. Assisted by King Crimson and ELP lyricist Peter Sinfield, they recorded their early songs both in Italian and English and were one of the earliest Italian rock bands (some say the first) to tour the US.
Here is the only recorded Italian song from that tour, the beautiful ballad "Dove... Quando..." (Cook, Italy 1974) The rest of the album is pure positive energy #Vinyl #AToZ
Want to win a signed copy of Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector? There's one week left to enter the competition
#publicfinance #PFM
Want to win a signed copy of Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector? Enter the prize draw by 31 March to be in with a chance
#publicfinance #PFM
I wrote a list of the five best books about how governments collect and spend taxes. Check it out.
#PFM #publicfinance #tax
The new edition of my book, Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector, is not due for publication until 14th March but today I got an email saying my (free) author copies are on their way to me. Exciting.
#accounting #pfm #publicsector #author
#author #publicsector #pfm #accounting
If you order the new edition of Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector direct from the publisher you can get a 20% discount using the code AFL01 at the checkout. It’s available for pre-order now, and is published on 14 March.
#publicfinance #PFM #newbook