Over a year ago I bought a little #miniPC and installed #PFSense on it to serve as a #router for my #homelab
I didn't hook it up right away, and I forgot the credentials I used to set it up, but I connected it to a switch and it #justWorks so I never bothered to fix it.
My #Netgear #Wifi AP needs updated and restarted all the time, but pfSense has been doing it's job ever since with absolutely no help from me.
Very impressive!
#wifi #netgear #justworks #homelab #router #pfsense #minipc
@frainfostudent Personally I just use #pfBlockerNG on my #pfSense and as you can see, I'm pissed off that my ISP doesn't filter spoofed traffic using #DoD IPs...
Block YouTube Ads on AppleTV by Decrypting and Stripping Ads from Profobuf
Going to Extremes to Block YouTube Ads - Many users of YouTube feel that the quality of the service has been decreasing in ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/26/going-to-extremes-to-block-youtube-ads/ #man-in-the-middle #userexperience #networkhacks #adblock #network #pfsense #youtube #google #dns
#dns #google #youtube #pfsense #network #adblock #networkhacks #userexperience #man
@da_667 well, #pfBlockerNG allows you to free up that @Raspberry_Pi and just use the #pfSense for that...
I've been using that for 3+ years now and it just works!
How a newbie learned to love open-source software after contributing a single line of code in a language he doesn't understand. #DevOps #opensource #oss #pfSense #GitHub
#devops #opensource #oss #pfsense #github
I realized my Dell Optiplex with 8700K may be a bit overkill for just a simple OPNSense firewall. #opnsense #pfsense #selfhosted #selfhosting #homelab
#homelab #selfhosting #selfhosted #pfsense #opnsense
Reworking my DNS/Domain setup for the #homelab. Added a wildcard redirect in #pfsense with a public domain. That domain is pointing to a local IP in the registrar. Closed down open ports for NPM public access and made it local only. Now I can access my #selfhosted services with valid certs remotely & security through a Wireguard tunnel.
Found in the #pfsense documentation where pfSense Plus 23.05 added a way to connect the firewall directly to AT&T's residential fiber ONT. Will have to give this a try and see how well it works.
My last short article "UPS control with NUT, PFSense+ and Zabbix" is online at https://e-mc2.net/blog/ups-nut-pfsense-zabbix/
A new Zabbix template for UPS-NUT monitoring is included/available. #computing #monitoring #pfsense #zabbix #UPS #homelab #sysadmin #hardware
#computing #monitoring #pfsense #zabbix #ups #homelab #sysadmin #hardware
I don't know squat about #php.
But an update to the php used in #pfSense CE 2.7 (8.2.6) made variable definition more strict and crashed #HAProxy startup when pfSense is booted.
I hacked the code tonight, tested it and opened a pull request.
This didn't make me a php expert -- it was only a single line of code. But it works.
And it proves once again the value of open source -- that is, if the pfSense devs ever merge the branch.
Almost nothing beats the satisfaction of learning new code.
Hello fellow creatures of Mastodon, I need your advice on some #networking stuff. I have a #proxmox host, which has 4 NICs. One of these NICs are currently connected to WAN, and a linux bridge is running on top of it, which has a public IP address. Now I want to put a router between the WAN and my precious little virtualized services. I'm open to suggestions, but this is what I came up with:
#pfSense WAN port on the bridge or NIC, and LAN on a vlan that all VMs and CTs will connect to.
I'm running into network interrupts on my #pfsense 2.7 with all #intel #networking cards.
Anywhere between 35 to 65 interrupts / second.
Any suggestions?
#pfsense #intel #networking #askfedi #homelab #selfhosting
Apache Guacamole avec un reverse proxy basé sur pfSense, HAProxy et Let’s Encrypt https://www.it-connect.fr/apache-guacamole-reverse-proxy-pfsense-haproxy/ #SécuritéInformatique #ApacheGuacamole #Let'sEncrypt #reverseproxy #pfSense #Haproxy #PfSense
#securiteinformatique #ApacheGuacamole #let #reverseproxy #pfsense #haproxy
@kyo yeah, I hate these things.
This is why I don't use them and force them into stupid "Modem" or "Bridge" mode that turns them into basically media converters and just run my #pfSense on it.
Not shure how #NetNeutrality :loading: is handled in your juristiction but if my #ISP were to do that shit I'd tell them they have an hour to fix it or I'll call @BNetzA [as the local regulators] onto them.
Luckily no ISP yet wanted to "#FuckAroundAndFindOut" with my traffic...
#fuckaroundandfindout #isp #netneutrality #pfsense