It is upgrade afternoon!
• QGIS v2.6 --> v3.32
• pgAdmin v6.2 --> v7.5
• ArcGIS Pro v2.9.5 --> v3.1.2 (now that I no longer have dev dependencies)
Looking forward to exploring the differences - and a nice but productive distraction...
#GIS #spatial #mapping #software #arcgispro #pgadmin #qgis #gischat #opensource
#gis #spatial #mapping #software #arcgispro #pgadmin #qgis #gischat #opensource
Just Upgraded To PostgreSQL 15, Lets Have A Look
-- <-- release notes, Oct. ‘22
Just got PostgreSQL 15 installed, most I will never have a need for, but look forward to continuing to grow more into it as part of my applied science work with my team - and with the elephant looking down on me from the bookshelf, (very) quietly encouraging me to learn more and use more (as silly as that of course is!)
#GIS #spatial #mapping #appliedscience #useage #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #appliedscience #upgrade #postgreSQL #postgis #pgadmin #RDBMS #SQL #enterprisetech #enterprisedata #enterprisesolutions #database #science #team #work #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #appliedscience #useage #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #upgrade #PostgreSQL #postgis #pgadmin #rdbms #sql #enterprisetech #enterprisedata #enterprisesolutions #database #science #team #work #gischat
unable to connect to server: connection failed: connection refused is the server running on that host accepting tcp/ip connections? #server #postgresql #pgadmin
"Unable to connect to server: connection failed: FATAL: password authentication failed" on brandly installed postgres and PGAdmin4 #server #connection #postgresql #database #pgadmin
#server #connection #postgresql #database #pgadmin
It seems that #pgadmin is not quite ready for #Debian bookworm.
I tried building it from scratch; but, it's a whole bunch of #javascript node intimidating crap. Total rat-hole waste of time...
I'll be giving DbGate & dBeaver a test drive this week to see if they work as #SQL GUIs.
pgadmin seems to release pretty regularly, so perhaps I'll get a 7.0 release in a week or so. *shrug*
#pgadmin #debian #javascript #sql
I just did a stream about #postgresql and #pgadmin and turns out that I forgot everything in just 6 years. Had to look up how to do an UPDATE command.
"pgAdmin 4 v6.20 Released"
"pgAdmin 4 v6.19 Released"
I love the #Kubernetes ecosystem so much. I had to deploy another #PGadmin server. Adding a #Helm definition to #ArgoCD in #GitOps style takes only a couple of minutes and then everything Just Works ® Networking, permissions, storage, all of it! That is the power of an Open Source Community at work. #ILoveFS
#ilovefs #gitops #ArgoCD #helm #pgadmin #kubernetes
"pgAdmin 4 v6.18 Released"
Just discovered you can drag-and-drop a table in #pgAdmin into the query window so you can be lazy and not type it.
Amazing. Especially when a table uses camel case and you have to get it exactly perfect and put it in quotes
#pgadmin image #docker derrière un proxy #nginx dans un sous répertoire au lieu de chercher partout sur internet je n'avais qu'à lire la doc :bloblewd: !!!