Every think you need to know about #PGbouncer : https://jpcamara.com/2023/04/12/pgbouncer-is-useful.html
TL;DR it's friday just put it in your tab/bookmark ;-) #postgresql
#pgbouncer: installed on the web server, or on the database server? #mastoadmin
New episode: "Connection poolers"
Nikolay and Michael discuss #Postgres connection poolers — when and why we need them, the king that is #PgBouncer, and the many new pretenders to the throne.
🎙️ https://postgres.fm/episodes/connection-poolers
#postgres #pgbouncer #postgresql
New episode: "Connection poolers"
Nikolay and Michael discuss #Postgres connection poolers — when and why we need them, the king that is #PgBouncer, and the many new pretenders to the throne.
🎙️ https://postgres.fm/episodes/anniversary-mailbag
#postgres #pgbouncer #postgresql
💡 Instalei o #PgBouncer aqui na Bolha.
Isso significa que agora temos um gerenciador de conexões ao banco de dados, o qual fica entre a instância e o banco de dados (BD) em si.
Agora, em vez do #Mastodon abrir uma nova conexão direto com o BD sempre que precisar, ele vai conversar antes com o PgBouncer.
O PgBouncer então vai criar uma nova conexão se necessário ou utilizar uma conexão já aberta. O objetivo é reduzir o impacto na performance do BD.
Se você é um #MastoAdmin e quiser implementar o PgBouncer também, siga o tutorial abaixo:
:github: https://is.gd/M3Jo32
Note que, uma vez terminado o tutorial, você deve prestar atenção na hora de atualizar o Mastodon pois o comando "db:migrate" não vai mais funcionar diretamente.
Será necessário antes informar a nova porta. No link acima tem a instrução para contornar essa "pegadinha" (gotcha).
Note também que o tutorial assume que você não usa o Docker.
#pgbouncer #mastodon #mastoadmin
Ok, what a fucking mess. Seems something changed or something is different now, but:
pgbouncer auth user must have md5 password set and md5 allowed to use for this user only. then logins will work with the SCRAM passwords for the normal users. Meh. what a gagsi #PostgreSQL #PGbouncer
Well then, time for me to replace #pgbouncer with #supabase #supavisor 😁
#pgbouncer #Supabase #supavisor
Is there a convinient way to configure #pgbouncer without adding every user to userlist.txt? #postgresql
#Monitoring #PgBouncer in Azure #PostgreSQL Flexible Server https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-database-for-postgresql/monitoring-pgbouncer-in-azure-postgresql-flexible-server/ba-p/3762146
#monitoring #pgbouncer #postgresql
Team #pgBouncer is ready to bounce the #PostgreSQL devroom at #FOSDEM - however the doors are still locked.
Very efficient bouncing.
#pgbouncer #postgresql #fosdem
So, i deployed #PgBouncer yesterday and with its default configuration, it was performing poorly when compared to Postgres. The query execution time (latency?) increased which brought the whole application to it's knees.
I need to learn how to configure PgBouncer properly.
Where are my DevOps guys? Where are my Developer bros and sis? Please boost for wider audience. I could really use some insights on this
#docker #azure #DevOps #Postgressql #developer #development #it #cloud #ZeroDowntime #pgbouncer #AskingForTips
#docker #azure #devops #postgressql #developer #development #it #cloud #zerodowntime #pgbouncer #askingfortips
Next up in my series on how and what I #SelfHost: #Social stuff. All of this runs in #Docker #Swarm on a single node.
#Matrix: Running Synapse (tried Dendrite first, but run into problems). I'm using samuelph/synapse-compress-state, but it's still heavier on disk usage than I'd like, given the number of rooms and time.
#Mastodon: I use a custom docker image, based on the official tootsuite docker image, except I bump MAX_ITEMS in feed history to 10,000 (my client no longer gets bumped to latest when I fall behind a bit), REBLOG_FALLOFF to 400 (fewer repeated boosts), upped some authenticated ratelimits (private server), and bumped max toot size, and added a cleanup script.
🧵 1/3
#selfhost #social #docker #swarm #matrix #mastodon #keydb #pgbouncer #activitypub #fakerelay #selfhosting
#postgresql #pgbouncer #rust #pgcat
I got the issue for PgBouncer but now is the question what limit..
"pgbouncer ERROR accept() failed: Too many open files"
It's the user system open files limit but there are so many..
Anyone an idea?
@stux wish I could help more with numbers, but if #pgbouncer doesn't seem like it's doing its magic, double check that you've got `PREPARED_STATEMENTS=false` set in your .env file — super easy step to miss that makes a big difference.
#Ubuntu install of #PGBOUNCER and #POSTGRESQL #Mastodon #Admin
#ubuntu #pgbouncer #postgresql #mastodon #admin
Here is another post I read as I prepare another instance (distinct from #BigislandSocial) of #Mastodon.
The first thing is to install #POSTGRESQL with #PGBOUNCER ontop; and REDIS, which is a memory based db store on a large CPU / Memory configured server. I will continue to tag additional “good reads” as I find them. I have decades of tech exp; but this is all new to me. Have a basic topological comprehension, need details to solidly implement a stable configuration.
#bigislandsocial #mastodon #postgresql #pgbouncer
Started a new #golang project today, a replacement for #pgbouncer, a connection pooler for #postgresql. Using https://github.com/jackc/pgmock it was quite easy to get a basic postgres proxy running. Now the hard part is fleshing out all the accounting (client/server pools), logging, etc. I want a lot more timing data than pgbouncer provides, and the ability to conditionally log sql statements.
#golang #pgbouncer #postgresql