"bisognerebbe niente, bisogna quello che è, bisogna il presente"
Cronaca Montana #PGR
everyone loved the 3.5th anni stream except wanshi stans, please give the homies some crumbs they are starving
#NowPlaying #Toukaseibunshi Iwata Hironari began as 透過性分子(Transparent Molecules) in 1985. He was active until 1988, collaborating with #Merzbow and #Agencent, and running #Angakok curating tapes by #CementWoman, #Haters, #PGR / #Thessalonians, and an impressive compilation called Angelic Technology 1 with #HNAS, #AsmusTietchens, #P16D4, #DDAA, etc. #PSF reissued an edited version of his first tape in 2009. This tape was published just before he died in 2018. https://vlzprodukt.bandcamp.com/album/stratosphere-sound-last-tracks
#nowplaying #toukaseibunshi #merzbow #agencent #angakok #cementwoman #haters #pgr #thessalonians #hnas #asmustietchens #p16d4 #ddaa #psf
#NewBlockaders #Organum #PGR #P16D4 #HeleneSage #Merzbow #SBOTHI #TheHaters #AsmusTietchens #Hijokaidan #Boredoms #Hanatarash #JohnDuncan #Gerogerigegege #Masonna #Incapacitants #Odal #DasSynthetischeMischgewebe #Kallabris #Muslimgauze #FunctionDisorder #Autopsia #Cranioclast #FrankDommert #Core
#newblockaders #organum #pgr #p16d4 #helenesage #merzbow #sbothi #thehaters #asmustietchens #hijokaidan #boredoms #hanatarash #johnduncan #gerogerigegege #masonna #incapacitants #odal #dassynthetischemischgewebe #kallabris #muslimgauze #functiondisorder #autopsia #cranioclast #frankdommert #core
@AndreasGraner@twitter.com and I organize a workshop on plant genetic resources and plant breeding at 5 and 6 July at IPK Gatersleben.
Preliminary program and registration link is online at: https://meetings.ipk-gatersleben.de/gpz-workshop/
My Q. to today's excellent #QaaChatGpt webinar:
How does panel see the impact of #AI on the 'publish or perish' imperative for academics, eg impact on culture of 'writing as product' & impact on peer review?
-#ChatGpt risks 'amplifying' what academics do by 'quadrupling' workloads;
-we have a responsibility to not abuse it;
-#UG #PG #PGR 'research outputs' will become even more of a thing;
-ok if used to find 'relevant' peer-reviewer; not ok if 'my article' is machine-reviewed.
#qaachatgpt #ai #chatgpt #ug #pg #pgr #acwri
And to my family, friends and #PGR colleagues in #Scotland and the #Philippines, know that I will be happy to mentor and cheer for your upcoming #3MT competitions.
Together, we can embody care, love and support to one another as we navigate our #PhD journeys! See you at @UniStrathclyde #StrathEDU or elsewhere! (6)
#strathedu #phd #3mt #philippines #scotland #pgr
Vera combined and The Merciful One from #punishinggrayraven. #aiart #nijijourney #pgr #fanart
#punishinggrayraven #aiart #nijijourney #pgr #fanart
Der Pfarrgemeinderat hat heute vob 19:00 bis 21:30 in St. Gertrud getagt. Zum Abschluss gab es gemütliches Beisammenstehen und Plaudern mit kleiner Stärkung. #pfarrewaehring #pgr #sitzung #fachbereiche #stgertrud
#pfarrewaehring #pgr #sitzung #fachbereiche #stgertrud
RT @Clayton22513615@twitter.com
PGR pede para Bolsonaro ser investigado por instigar ataques no DF #Bolsonaro #PGR #AtosGolpistas #Golpe #Nikolas #FelipeNeto #Exercito #Bolsonaristas https://www.nitronewsbrasil.com.br/eleicoes-2022/2023/01/13/pgr-pede-para-bolsonaro-ser-investigado-por-instigar-ataques-no-df/ via @Clayton22513615@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Clayton22513615/status/1614053371152896000
#bolsonaro #pgr #atosgolpistas #golpe #nikolas #felipeneto #exercito #bolsonaristas
God I hate being bi
A margine di un bel dialogo tra #GiovanniLindoFerretti (al di là del "giudizio" che si può avere come artista -quello sulla persona è comunque un errore-) e #SilviaCamporesi sulla #fotografia ed altro (*), torna in mente questo disco. Bello, allora ed adesso.
(*): purtroppo solo su "YouTube", quindi niente link.
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #PGR @stranobiovolta
#giovannilindoferretti #SilviaCamporesi #fotografia #mastoradio #mastomusic #pgr
Anyone know a good platform to share loads of #links (by themes)? I do a weekly #PGR and fortnightly #ResearcherDevelopment update and it’ll be a shame for the links to not be archived? For 2021 I used SWAY but that’s getting a bit messy #ECRChat @academicchatter @thesiswhisperer
#ecrchat #ResearcherDevelopment #pgr #links