Since #floss engineers tend to use cute logos for their products, the kids always think my stickers are theirs 🙃
#floss #foss4g #qfieldcloud #pgrouting
#backinschool interessting workshop about #pgrouting at #foss4g2023 in #prizren
#backinschool #pgrouting #foss4g2023 #prizren
And as a participant I am very much looking forward to this workshop about pgRouting. I think I haven't dealt with routing that much since my bachelor thesis 15 years ago (at that time very intensively instead) but here I am again 🙂
#foss4g2023 #qgis #opengisch #postgis #pgrouting
#pgrouting compilation on #fedora
Requirements (after install Postgresql and Postgis)
sudo dnf install boost-devel
sudo dnf install postgresql-server-devel
Looking for a good advanced book / tutorial / course on #postgresql - I am rejigging our approach to managing permissions / roles / schemas / workflows and plugins like #postgis and #pgrouting. Would appreciate any links or even a boost to help spread the question. I promise to turn the learning into some summary blog posts in return
#postgresql #postgis #pgrouting
@IvanSanchez @jeremy
+1 that's the way to go. Would love to see a blog post on using the #pgrouting or #qgis plug-in solution
#pgrouting #qgis #gischat #graphanalytics
3. A Beginner’s Guide to #pgRouting
The second #Routing post in the top-10
Eventually, I ended up implementing the #QGIS pgRoutingLayer plugin
#pgrouting #routing #qgis #nls #postgis #gischat
8. #pgRouting 2.0 for #Windows quick guide
#pgrouting #windows #gischat #qgis #rourting
Este jueves comenzamos un nuevo curso intensivo de SIG con aplicaciones a las redes de transporte usando: #QGIS :qgis: , #Postgis :postgis: y #Pgrouting.
A beleza de #GIS / #SIG: Uma rede construída para toda a cidade de Florianópolis baseada em dados abertos do A importação para o #PostGIS / #pgRouting foi feita via script #Python. O objetivo era ter o menor número de dependências possível de outras bibliotecas. Duas bibliotecas foram utilizadas: requests e psycopg. Geocodificação com Nominatim e consulta/download de dados com Overpass.
Resultado: mais de 50 mil arestas e outros 50 mil nós.
#gis #sig #postgis #pgrouting #python
The recording to my PostGIS Day 2022 talk "Route the Interesting Things, Not just the Roads" is out there!
The link to the video has been added to the page containing the resources for the talk.
#postgis #gischat #pgrouting #openstreetmap
#postgis #gischat #pgrouting #openstreetmap
The background map was designed in #QGis with data from #OSM combined with the SRTM height model from NASA. The segments and routes were optimised using a routable in-game network in #PgRouting and were drawn on top of the map in #Inkscape. Small details will be instantly recognisable for Belgian railway users.
Check out the full map and detailed making-of on my website:
#qgis #osm #pgrouting #inkscape
#osm data to #pgrouting #postgis #postgresql database using #osm2pgrouting. Your routeable network in a few hours! Everything open. 💗 Openstreetmap
#osm #pgrouting #postgis #postgresql #osm2pgrouting
RT @camptocamp
Les Services d'Incendie et de Secours cherchent à identifier les camions qui mettront le moins de temps à se rendre sur une intervention. #PostGIS et #pgRouting leur offrent flexibilité et gain de temps. #geospatial
#postgis #pgrouting #geospatial