Tim Richards · @timrichards
1898 followers · 14631 posts · Server aus.social

@lishaberzins Yes it's handy - I'm following a few faves like , etc. Can turn up some fun posts.

#travelwriting #pgwodehouse

Last updated 1 year ago

christyotwisty 🇨🇦 · @cosullivan
105 followers · 760 posts · Server mstdn.io

I viewed highlights of the 1988 "The Late Show" "Batman" show reunion hosted by Ross Shafer. Last toappear was Alan Napier who played Alfred the trustworthy and capable butler. Napier joked that Alfred's secret was that he was the illegitimate son of Lord Sidcup.
Here's a link to the page for

#wikipedia #lordsidcup #pgwodehouse

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
19 followers · 2358 posts · Server musicworld.social

28 years ago today, Revival of P. G. Wodehouse's adaptation of Ferenc Molnár' s comic play "The Play's The Thing" opens at Criterion Theater, NYC; runs for 75 performances


Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1775 followers · 12327 posts · Server aus.social

They're playing the Jeeves & Wooster TV series theme in this cafe! A spot of Jazz Age energy. :)

#wodehouse #pgwodehouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1673 followers · 11729 posts · Server aus.social

And here's another fun bit of Wodehouse, from 'The Mating Season':

‘Still,’ I said, feeling that it was worth trying, ‘it’s part of the great web, what?’

‘Great web?’

‘One of Marcus Aurelius’s cracks. He said: “Does aught befall you? It is good. It is part of the destiny of the Universe ordained for you from the beginning. All that befalls you is part of the great web.”’

From the brusque manner in which he damned and blasted Marcus Aurelius, I gathered that, just as had happened when Jeeves sprang it on me, the gag had failed to bring balm. I hadn’t had much hope that it would.

I doubt, as a matter of fact, if Marcus Aurelius’s material is ever the stuff to give the troops at a moment when they have just stubbed their toe on the brick of Fate. You want to wait till the agony has abated.


#pgwodehouse #wodehouse #humour #books

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1673 followers · 11725 posts · Server aus.social

Just a spot of PG Wodehouse to brighten your Friday (from 'The Code of the Woosters'):

'Right ho,' I said, and started for the door, sauntering at first in a languid sort of way, like a connoisseur a bit bored at having his time wasted.

I say 'at first', because I had only taken a couple of steps when I tripped over the cat, and you can't combine tripping over cats with languid sauntering. Shifting abruptly into high, I shot out of the door like someone wanted by the police making for the car after a smash-and-grab raid.


#pgwodehouse #wodehouse #humour #books

Last updated 1 year ago

Carl D. Patterson · @carldpatterson
22 followers · 119 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Let us say, then, that at some point - five, ten, fifteen, or it may have been twenty minutes later - I became aware of somebody coughing softly at my side like a respectful sheep trying to attract the attention of its shepherd, and how can I describe with what thankfulness and astonishment I perceived Jeeves.

#thankyoujeeves #pgwodehouse

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1477 followers · 7739 posts · Server aus.social

Interesting to see the dazzling variety of covers of the Jeeves novels in my Kindle library.

What's weird is that they change from time to time as the books' covers get updated in the Kindle store. Imagine the books on your bookshelves at home doing that!

cc @bookstodon

#wodehouse #pgwodehouse #jeeves #kindle #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Carl D. Patterson · @carldpatterson
22 followers · 118 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Jeeves: "I have long been desirous of canvassing his lordship's views as to the desirability of purchasing some new socks."

#thankyoujeeves #pgwodehouse #Jeeves

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1434 followers · 6777 posts · Server aus.social

It's interesting how pronunciation mistakes creep into even professionally produced audiobooks. I've been listening to some Jeeves & Wooster audiobooks, along with some Agatha Christies, and occasionally you'll get someone pronouncing a word like pariah as "par-ee-ah".

One example that's popped up more than once is a description of clouds that lower. In this case it's mean to be pronounced to rhyme with "power", ie lowering clouds are those which hang dark and threatening. Check out this example (with a different spelling) from Shakespeare's Richard III:

"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that *lour'd* upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried."

But often in the audiobooks, the narrator pronounce this form of lower as rhyming with "mower". Which is not correct, eg in the section of Jeeves in the Offing I just listened to:

"The storm clouds may *lower* and the horizon grow dark, we may get a nail in our shoe and be caught in the rain without an umbrella, we may come down to breakfast and find that someone else has taken the brown egg, but at least we have the consolation of knowing that we shall never see Aubrey Gawd-help-us Upjohn again."

#words #language #homonyms #wodehouse #pgwodehouse

Last updated 2 years ago

Laking86 · @Laking86
65 followers · 119 posts · Server nerdculture.de

10 of 2023

The Mating Season
P. G. Wodehouse

Wodehouse is by some distance my favourite author. The world he created is full of pure joy and I never bore of escaping into it. He’s one of the few authors who I can re-read over and over again. The Mating Season exhibits him at his absolute best with so many lines and turns of phrase that have you smiling ear to ear or chuckling. He was the master.


#book #books #bookstodon #pgwodehouse

Last updated 2 years ago

Laking86 · @Laking86
63 followers · 113 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Currently reading a PG Wodehouse novel, which is very much my happy place and if you wonder why then it’s sentences like:

“Jeeves, in speaking of this Fink-Nottle, had, if you remember, described him as disgruntled, and it was plain at a glance that the passage of time had done nothing to gruntle him.”


#books #pgwodehouse #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1340 followers · 5115 posts · Server aus.social

Just listening to PG Wodehouse’s wonderful novel Joy in the Morning again. Love the way he plays with language, eg this bit:

‘But he loves, Uncle Percy.’

‘Has he got an Uncle Percy?’

I saw that unless prompt steps were taken, we should be getting muddled.

‘When I say He loves, Uncle Percy,’ I explained, ‘I don’t mean he loves, verb transitive, Uncle Percy, accusative. I mean he loves, comma, Uncle Percy, exclamation mark.’

Even while uttering the words, I had had a fear lest I might be making the thing a shade too complex for one in the relative’s condition. And so it proved.


#wodehouse #pgwodehouse #books #audiobook #novel #humour

Last updated 2 years ago

Frank · @frankmseattle
98 followers · 379 posts · Server mindly.social

Jeeves and Wooster ~ Lost in Adaptation - YouTube

m.youtube.com/watch?v=xqOzoDqe | I can’t be the only one who thinks an alternate time line where Jeeves is the Wayne's butler would be awesome.

#batman #jeevesandwooster #pgwodehouse

Last updated 2 years ago

alex 🪴 · @faintingincoils
84 followers · 160 posts · Server mastodon.social

Today I got while listening to a audiobook. I wonder if that combination has occurred together at any time before today.

#tattooed #pgwodehouse

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1308 followers · 4543 posts · Server aus.social

Re-listening to the marvellous comic novel The Code of the Woosters by PG Wodehouse. Here's a lovely little section I was just chuckling at...

'Right ho,' I said, and started for the door, sauntering at first in a languid sort of way, like a connoisseur a bit bored at having his time wasted. I say 'at first', because I had only taken a couple of steps when I tripped over the cat, and you can't combine tripping over cats with languid sauntering. Shifting abruptly into high, I shot out of the door like someone wanted by the police making for the car after a smash-and-grab raid.

#wodehouse #pgwodehouse #fiction #humour #humor #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago

Caroline · @ontheriverrede
729 followers · 289 posts · Server mastodon.social

I had a conversation like this just today...

From My Man Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse (1919).

📷 myheartisafish - myheartisafish.tumblr.com/659187492076077056/losing-my-mind-at-the-dialogue-in-pg-wodehouse

#pgwodehouse #literature #jeevesandwooster #mymanjeeves #quote

Last updated 2 years ago

Baroque Mongoose · @mongoose
24 followers · 490 posts · Server vmst.io

Here's one for the P G Wodehouse fans out there. This is Psmith, or at least my interpretation of him. If the face looks familiar, it's because the photo I used as a model was of some random pop singer I've never heard of; I altered it a bit and gave him that 1920s hairdo and the monocle.

#pgwodehouse #psmith

Last updated 2 years ago

Narrelle M. Harris · @NarrelleMHarris
193 followers · 470 posts · Server mas.to

@wordswithnima @lastinnett PG Wodehouse was one of the best writers of his time - and I often refer people to him to explore his mastery of language and punctuation - but his sole purpose was to make people laugh. (He was very, very, very good at that!).

#pgwodehouse #writing #Wodehouse

Last updated 2 years ago

EmmaDingle · @EmmaDingle
249 followers · 434 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Hurrah, can do , and answered in the fashion I hoped it would.

For creative writing I think this does have a future. But due to the ease of accessing it, quality will be drowned by quantity very quickly.

#chatgpt #whimsy #machinelearning #creativewriting #narrative #pgwodehouse #keepitfun #writing #promptengineer #spellcasting #digitalwordsmith #amusing

Last updated 2 years ago