TBH the only ones that are big brand I can think of are Samsung Galaxy that can meet those parameters. The MicroSD expansion is less common as people are being suckered into the save all things to a service online model (Myself included).
It's an interesting equation about what features are the most valuable these days. It's more of a camera tablet, with the odd ability to make voice calls. #phablet #phone #smartphone
Keine kleinen Handys mehr: Der Xiaomi-Chef erklärt, wieso wir alle nur noch halbe Tablets herumschleppen
https://www.gamestar.de/artikel/keine-kleinen-handys-mehr-der-xiaomi-chef-erklaert-wieso-wir-alle-nur-noch-halbe-tablets-herumschleppen,3393487.html #Phablet #Smartphone #Tablet
Today i bought for myself a new #phablet called #samsung #galaxy #note 20...it was time because my old Note 9 has some errors and issues...but i must say about Note 20...it is a really great phablet and i like it very much...i will test it more...so stay tuned 👍👍👍
#Note #galaxy #samsung #phablet
#Meberry #M7 #android #tablet #MeberryM7 #androidtablet #phablet #cellphone #3g #4g