#IDMastodon #Cellular & #MolecularImmunology The more I learned about the nature of #COVID & the more ‘I ‘m lost for words ’ This 🦠 is nasty & sophisticated than anykind ..😷💉is one step ahead the crowd . A high infection rate by #SarsCoV2 may lead to exaggerated #cytokine responses, which may contribute to tissue damage & severe disease.
#Macrophage #phagocytosis of #SARSCoV2-infected cells mediates potent #plasmacytoiddendriticcell activation
#IDMastodon #cellular #molecularimmunology #COVID #SarsCoV2 #cytokine #macrophage #phagocytosis #plasmacytoiddendriticcell
Day 2 of #SciartSeptember has the topic of battle.
The battle that I'm focusing on is the battle that goes on within all of us. Where our immune system battles pathogens to us healthy.
#sciart #phagocytosis
#phagocytosis #sciart #SciArtSeptember
Next is Melanie Samuel from BCM
Molecular regulation of #immune cell #plasticity and function in the #brain
"Our brain is the ultimate time machine" 🙂
How to target #synapses (for intervention) while preserving them (to avoid "turning back the clock"
Possibility that #microglia could be harnessed
partnered with IMPC (impc.org) to find microglia regulators in retina
one cool hit: SIRPα
it's NOT involved in #phagocytosis... surprise
#cssinglecells23 #phagocytosis #Microglia #synapses #brain #plasticity #immune
Giant neuron derived vesicles called #exophers are processed by #phagocytosis in neighboring skin cells, and the phagocytic interaction promotes exopher production. #Neuroscience https://elifesciences.org/articles/82227?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic
#neuroscience #phagocytosis #exophers
Uptake-independent killing of macrophages by extracellular #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis aggregates
Chiara Toniolo et al show that Mtb aggregates evade #phagocytosis by inducing #macrophage #pyroptosis via a mechanism involving its type VII secretion system ESX-1 and surface lipid PDIM
#mycobacterium #tuberculosis #phagocytosis #macrophage #pyroptosis
@kschink @CurrentBiology It's been years since I worked in #Phagocytosis but it still love seeing movies like this.
Also, brilliant that they refer to DDB_G0269934 as argy-bargy 😂
Fascinating footage of a human white blood cell chasing a bacterium captured through a microscope.
Credit: David Rogers
#health #biology #science #phagocytosis
"Here, we show that neuronal signal-regulatory protein alpha (SIRPα) is a permissive cue for microglial #phagocytosis in the developing murine retina. Removal of neuronal, but not microglial, SIRPα reduced microglial phagocytosis, increased synpase numbers, and impaired circuit function. Conversely, prolonging neuronal SIRPα expression extended developmental microglial phagocytosis. These outcomes depended on the interaction of presynaptic SIRPα with postsynaptic CD47."
#Immunity #Immunology #Microglia #Neuroimmunology
#Microglia #neuroimmunology #phagocytosis #immunity #immunology
I found this 2017 #video that Hashem Al-Ghaili shared:
"Immune Cells Eating Bacteria" #Phagocytosis" on his Facebook page and his YouTube channel
Animation by: Fusion Medial Animation
Microscopy for the video was by: Timelapse Vision
#biology #health #science #video #phagocytosis