@phanpy on the other hand collects multiple boosts in a timeline in some kind of carousel – even pinned posts on a profile page.
Looks really nice and (positively) interrupts the usual scrolling from top to bottom. Also, a nice new look.
#Mastodon #Android #Smartphone #Phanpy #Apps #App
#mastodon #android #smartphone #phanpy #apps #app
I'm trying #Phanpy at the moment. (isn't that the name of a Pokémon?)
It looks nice. I still need to figure out what these carrousels are for.
@clifor Está bueno. Si ya llenaste los campos de tu perfil también puedes usar #phanpy, un cliente web minimalista de Mastodon, con una interfaz bien chula y un tratamiento especial de los impulsos (boost, retoots): los muestra como carrusel horizontal o bien, al estar viendo un perfil (incluido el propio), te da la opción de filtrarlos para que no aparezcan en la línea del tiempo.
Lo puedes probar en https://phanpy.social
Acá, @maop ya nos lo puso en nuestra instancia :nc_cool:
@SamCrawley @DrEvanGowan @prachisrivas @yetiinabox @academicchatter yes, i like that idea.
In part that's why I like using #phanpy as a way to access Mastodon. Not as good as you suggest @SamCrawley , but it does group recently boosted posts together, so it gently raises the profile of the most shared posts while you've been away. https://phanpy.social/
@adriaster usando #phanpy i msg privati nella timeline appaiono striati e immediatamente riconoscibili. Con app l’ansia resta…
@ErichSchulz @Gargron you might probably be interested in @phanpy .
Check it out at https://phanpy.social
( #Phanpy collapses all boosts into one carousel!)
@phanpy is such an exciting and fresh way to browse and scroll through Mastodon. Love the experience so far.
#mastodonclient #thirdpartyclient #phanpy #phanpyapp
As a #Tusky user, I'm very disappointed by this revelation form @nikclayton on the way they do business if you will. https://nikclayton.writeas.com/stepping-back-from-the-tusky-project
It's sadly time to set it aside until they can get their shit together if not at all.
In the meantime, I always like how #Megalodon (@megalodon) does things and you should give that a try. Also you can use #phanpy or the browser version of Mastodon as well.
Gibt's eigentlich einen iOS Client der wie #Phanpy Threads und Antworten schön zusammenfügt?
@aslakr @eivind @mbergnordlie Har brukt #elk som webgrensesnitt en stund, men savnet den funksjonen. Prøver #phanpy nå.
@phanpy don't know why but using #phanpy, when I write a post, I only have at disposal custom emojis from my server (#mastodonuno ) Is there a way to use "traditional" emojis as well? do I miss any set-up option or anything else?
This great #COVID19 thread by @firefoxx66 👇 illustrates fabulously the power of #phanpy as a #mastodon client.
Was written 7hr before I opened Mastodon timeline, but the boosted posts carousel in Phanpy elevated it way up my timeline, so didn't miss it. Great work @cheeaun #FediTips
#COVID19 #phanpy #mastodon #FediTips
In mobile @phanpy I don't see how to edit post and I don't see how to mark notification read. 🙁🤔
(but phanpy has the best design and ux 🫶🏻)
#mastodonclients #phanpy
@gicrisf @MastodonEngineering is this similar to #phanpy, where it is easy to see complex conversation flow
Meine Lieblingsapps für #Mastodon auf #ios sind:
1. #icecubesapp
2. #MammothApp
3. #tuskerapp
Und als PWA:
1. #elkapp
2. #semaphoreapp
3. #phanpy
#Mastodon #ios #icecubesapp #mammothapp #tuskerapp #elkapp #semaphoreapp #phanpy
@moorejh how about advanced web interface on regular mastodon website?
Personally, I love #phanpy as a desktop client, but it's definitely not #tweetdeck like. It is v colourful and animated though!
@sitnik_ru Всё-таки по UI\UX у меня есть к #phanpy вопросики, так что пока с @elk хоть он и в альфе