Phantom Doctrine Gameplay - First Look (4K)
Phantom Doctrine is a 2018 cold-war turn-based strategy game developer by CreativeForge Games #PhantomDoctrine #Snowmind #SMstrategy #4K #FirstLook
#phantomdoctrine #snowmind #smstrategy #4K #firstlook
#steamsale loot
#Everspace - Looked pretty and I like roguelikes and space.
#PhantomDoctrine - I really like #XCOM and this seemed to share some DNA, and the price was slashed to $3.99!
#RailwayEmpire - Buying to evaluate as a potential Christmas gift for my dad.
#TotalWarWarhammer - The Silence and the Fury DLC. My collection of lords grows ever larger! Hopefully the Chameleon Stalkers will open up some flanking + moral shock tactics.
#skeeeeeeenks #skinks #steam #videogames #TotalWarWarhammer #railwayempire #xcom #phantomdoctrine #everspace #steamsale