galaxyfarrahway · @galaxyfarrahway
0 followers · 8 posts · Server

All I *REALLY* wanted to do was call this one done today. He's been sitting on the shelf glaring at me for a few weeks and all I had to finish was his collar. It had me stumped how I was going to construct it as a separate piece, to cover his neck joint, and I worked it out, without a pattern, roughly getting the shape I intended, just using some scraps of another piece. I try where I can to recycle and not put things in the bin especially fabric scraps. I had also broken his head several times and had to glue the tendrils (his "lekku") back on, then sand it down before I could paint it. His head, hands, feet, body and clothes are entirely handmade. He's a kind of gross greedy corrupt politician character seen really just in the background in the films and a few more times in the animated series, but he is such a unique design I really wanted to make him. My photography isn't the best (need to learn a thing or two about toy photography) but I really wanted to snap a pic right at the moment of birth. He is Orn Free Taa, Senator of Ryloth. He sort of reminds me a greedy Cardinal Wolsey or Trump type character and in another age I would have loved to have seen him played by actor Frank Thring. I dont know which Star wars concept artist originally designed him.

#ornfreetaa #ryloth #starwars #onesixthscale #onesixth #starwarstheclonewars #twelveinchdoll #clonewars #handmade #crafttheforce #sewing #sculptorsofinstagram #sculpt #sculpture #phantommenace #attackoftheclones

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Aman · @pauleaman
3 followers · 114 posts · Server
geonich · @geonich
9 followers · 39 posts · Server

Maybe I'm nitpicking but - Qui-Gon had a device that could sample Anakin's blood and send info far away to the ship for Obi-Wan to see. What was the point? The handheld device was obviously powerful enough to do the analysis on its own. And don't even get me started on how they characterize the Force as coming from some symbiotic creatures. And while the kid that played Anakin was not good, he didn't deserve be bullied for it. Man that movie is bad!

#starwars #plotholes #phantommenace

Last updated 2 years ago

SPIRIT(スピリット) · @tkt058
116 followers · 4149 posts · Server

Fear is the pathway to the darkside.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering.
(Yoda: Star Wars Episode 1)

#StarWarsCelebrationEurope2023 #starwarscelebration #phantommenace #starwars #yoda #quoteoftheday #quote

Last updated 2 years ago

atompunkray :acab: · @atompunkray
89 followers · 455 posts · Server

I did a poll with the original trilogy, thought it’d be fun to do one with the

For the curious: in the original poll Return of the Jedi took last place. About twice as many people voted for A New Hope. And Empire Strikes Back had about three times as many votes as ANH.

Which prequel trilogy movie is your favorite?

#starwars #prequeltrilogy #thephantommenace #phantommenace #attackoftheclones #revengeofthesith

Last updated 2 years ago

👻ghost_shit💩 · @ghost_shit
239 followers · 1715 posts · Server

Tonight's mission:

Continue to watch each and every movie in order of release. We're up to the dreaded "Phantom Menace", and I'm already many sheets to the wind, so it might be an early night.

#starwars #phantommenace

Last updated 2 years ago

Karl · @substandardkarl
49 followers · 111 posts · Server

Nothing an eight year old loves to read more than a crawl about galactic politics and trade disputes at the start of the night’s movie.

#starwars #phantommenace

Last updated 2 years ago

localzuk · @localzuk
26 followers · 62 posts · Server

With the battle between the droids and Gungans, why did the Gungans all sit and wait for the droids to be activated, and atacking them before attacking the droids? They were pretty much sitting ducks in their transports...

#starwars #phantommenace

Last updated 2 years ago

Gerald So · @sogerald
66 followers · 259 posts · Server

@orionkidder I think of the bottom three as equally bad, but I ranked last because I dozed off in the middle.


Last updated 2 years ago