@TheVinylApe I absolutely believe that. Huge fan. He’s a National treasure #phantomoftheparadise #genius
RT @BeatrizRebolloM@twitter.com
And this is the last commission I’ve done.
I wanna watch the film.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BeatrizRebolloM/status/1424718733172412433
Hi all #introduction retired Canadian boomer #cdnpoli currently in Alberta #ableg
Went hiking yesterday with friends and #dogs. Weather #wx sunshine & + temps.
Slowly finding my way on #newsie & #mastadon. Will be baby-stepping #WhatAboutBob my way through the early stages and most likely lurking & following for a while prior to sharing.
Best musical ever: #PhantomoftheParadise... all Winnipeggers understand
#introduction #cdnpoli #ableg #dogs #wx #newsie #Mastadon #whataboutbob #phantomoftheparadise
First post here. I'm an #artist and #writer. I'll be selling some of my work, but felt these were fun for the #halloween season.
#overthegardenwall #ogonbat #phantomoftheparadise #pokemon
#pokemon #phantomoftheparadise #ogonbat #overthegardenwall #halloween #writer #artist