Happy holidays everyone, take care of yourselves and your loved ones!
#platypus #wintermas #phantompeak #jameson #cybetteinlondon #finnishfood
#platypus #wintermas #phantompeak #jameson #cybetteinlondon #finnishfood
#London trip day 1:
Phantom Peak Wintermas - more fun than I expected
Jurassic World: the Exhibition - enjoyable, but lacking a little something...
#london #phantompeak #jurassicworld #cybetteinlondon
@The_Fabulous_Mrs_A Sounds a bit like #phantompeak in #London A few of my mates went and thought it was *amazing*
I find I'm following a few people from elsewhere (mostly RL friends) but also browsing hashtags to find cool people to follow. Interests include (but are not limited to) #musicals #taskmaster #LeonardCohen #dixit #AgathaChristie #DorothyLSayers #theatre #NHS #bisexual #parenting #MaskedSinger #London #rainbows #FilmNoir #QualityImprovement #TransRights #AntiRacism #PhantomPeak #puzzles #writing
#Writing #puzzles #phantompeak #antiracism #transrights #qualityimprovement #filmnoir #rainbows #London #MaskedSinger #parenting #bisexual #nhs #theatre #dorothylsayers #agathachristie #dixit #leonardcohen #taskmaster #Musicals