RIBES · @RIBESresearch
247 followers · 8 posts · Server social.edu.nl

Upcoming PhD defence by Daniel Duarte: "Human & Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals" (Environmental Science department) on Monday 25th of September. In his thesis, Daniel assessed the risks posed by pharmaceutical pollution to the aquatic system and humans via environmental exposure. Read more: ru.nl/en/about-us/events/human

#environmentalscience #pharmaceuticals #riskassessment

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
892 followers · 38425 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"psa adhd gang, people recreationally using or abusing stimulants is not why they're hard to get, they're hard to get because doctors can be absolute motherfuckers with egos the size of saturn who like to play god with people's lives. if they didn't have the "drug seeking behavior" line to use as a tool to be a dick, they'd just say "tsk tsk you're obviously wrong about your own symptoms" a little more often than they already do. peace and love on planet amphetamines.

and this gets me because. it's like there's a contingent of adhders who heard that we're predisposed to substance abuse issues and, rather than connecting the dots of "substance abuse is often a coping mechanism resorted to in the wake of insufficient care for a psychological disorder, stigma against addicts is one more link in the chain of systemic societal ableism," instead thought "drug users are dangerous and selfish people who are out to do harm to uniquely vulnerable people like me." for a while I put this mindset down to the lack of experience and time to process ideas that comes with youth; it still sucks, but the people I knew in middle school who had bad takes about drugs and alcohol no longer think that way now we're in college, and mostly they changed their minds on their own instead of needing me or someone else to call them out directly. but there are subsets of adhd communities who used these talking points when their average age was 15 in 2016 and are still using them now when their average age is 22. so maybe the hot new trend for 2023 should be interrogating the propaganda you've been fed about drug users for your whole life and considering whether these ideas hold up to compassionate scrutiny and who benefits if you believe them."


#endthedrugwar #stopthedrugwar #classwar #drugs #drug #pharmacy #humanrights #fuckthesystem #EatTheRich #pharmaceuticals #entheogenic #amphetamine #methamphetamine #capitalism #fascism #health #ego #econotego

Last updated 1 year ago

Roberto Valle · @robertovalle
34 followers · 20 posts · Server newsie.social
Carolyn Barber, MD · @cbarbermd
499 followers · 676 posts · Server med-mastodon.com


Multiple drug companies --Merck, AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers , Astellas , & Janssen -- sue to stop Medicare's drug price negotiation. The negotiated prices would come into play in 2026.


#pharmaceuticals #healthcare #profits

Last updated 1 year ago

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥 · @JStatePost
1100 followers · 28870 posts · Server newsie.social

🥥 is the of the 2024 election cycle. Can't wait to find out how he made his fortune in . 🥥

#vivekramaswami #martinshkreli #pharmaceuticals

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
818 followers · 36748 posts · Server kolektiva.social

A day in :

On August 16, 1997, in , , four burned down a . The total amount of damages is 400,000 dollars. The next day, 2 Molotov cocktails were thrown at , . And already on August 19, the ALF set fire to the office of .

День в історії:

16 серпня 1997 року, в штаті Юта, США, четверо активістів ALF спалили дотла ресторан МакДональдз. Загальна сума збитків – 400 тисяч доларів. Наступного дня в магазин хутра Cosmo's Furs, Ілліной, було закинуто 2 коктейлі молотова. А вже 19 серпня ALF підпалили офіс Wildlife Pharmaceuticals.

#history #utah #usa #alf #activists #mcdonalds #Restaurant #cosmosfurs #illinois #wildlife #pharmaceuticals

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeff Hertzog · @jeffhertzog1961
42 followers · 2327 posts · Server brighteon.social
Victor · @Victor
40 followers · 377 posts · Server spore.social
Victor · @WWBugs
57 followers · 666 posts · Server mstdn.social
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1303 followers · 16920 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Deceived About Safety

April 2, 2010

"On March 27th [2010] Citizens for Sludge-Free Land sent a letter to the Department of Environmental Quality and US Region 3 that information provided to Virginia landowners about using sewage sludges as is deceptive. Land application permits are being granted in several Virginia counties without informing farmers of the serious risks associated with this practice. The VA code specifies, that to be valid, these permits can only be granted with the of the landowner.

"The Federal Act defines sewage sludge as a . Most of the pollutants that sewage treatment plants remove from wastewater concentrate in the resulting sludge. Exempt from and solid waste laws, sludge is being spread on land, despite mounting scientific evidence and field reports that using this contaminated waste as a cheap fertilizer is neither safe, beneficial, nor sustainable.

"The Virginia Cooperative Extension Service as well as Nutri-Blend Inc., the company that needs permits to spread sludge, are failing to provide landowners with the necessary facts, so they can make an informed decision whether or not to treat their land with sludge. The widely distributed Extension Service biosolids fact sheets-- although deceptively dated May 9, 2009-- provide out-dated, inaccurate, incomplete, and in some cases, misleading information. They overstate the alleged benefits and totally ignore the known risks and recent documented evidence of adverse health and impacts linked to sludge use. The fact sheets and brochures give the illusion that land applying sewage sludge, a complex and variable mixture of and thousands of industrial , many of which are and persistent, is a safe and normal agricultural practice.

"The information provided to landowners deceptively downplays the health risks of exposure to odors, odorant compounds, endotoxins, bacteria-laden dusts, and toxic gases at land application sites that can cause severe and permanent damage. Nor are farmers told that typical sludges generated in industrialized urban areas contain not only pathogens, but also , , , , flame retardants [], and hormone disrupting chemicals that can damage developing organisms in parts per trillion. Many of these pollutants do not break down once they are applied to land. Worse, partial breakdown products are often more toxic than the parent material. Yet federal regulations require testing and standards for only nine toxic metals. Perhaps most important, the information provided to farmers fails to disclose that the National Academies of Science has indicated that while there are serious health concerns associated with many of the constituents of sewage sludge, there is too much uncertainty to scientifically predict the true health and environmental risks, when this complex waste mixture is applied to land.

"Finally, farmers are not told that sludge-exposure has been linked to illnesses, human deaths, livestock mortalities, groundwater pollution, and permanently degraded land. Unless there is a true and accurate disclosure of all the risks associated with this practice, there can be no true consent.

"Without informed consent, the state should not be issuing permits."

Link to archived web page (TY @internetarchive!):

#farmers #sewage #sludge #virginia #epa #fertilizer #informedconsent #cleanwater #pollutant #hazardous #agricultural #environmental #humanwaste #chemicals #toxic #lung #pcbs #dioxins #carcinogens #pharmaceuticals #pfas #pfos #chemicalindustries #toxicwaste #waterislife #foreverchemicals

Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
4508 followers · 3955 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Unimarck Pharma · @unimarckpharma
0 followers · 13 posts · Server med-mastodon.com
Unimarck Pharma · @unimarck_pharma
0 followers · 23 posts · Server pawoo.net
Alan Kotok · @technewslit
1026 followers · 547 posts · Server journa.host
Alexander Rogge · @alexanderrogge
42 followers · 1803 posts · Server brighteon.social
The European Network · @TheEuropeanNetwork
2550 followers · 1921 posts · Server mstdn.social

In Denmark's Medicon Valley, pharmaceutical companies are thriving

The fast-growing industry, which employs over 50,000 people, has become a key sector in the Danish economy.


#lifesciences #Economy #pharmaceuticals #pharmaceutical #denmark

Last updated 1 year ago

Delphi · @Delphi
20 followers · 230 posts · Server mastodon.scot

I wonder if there's a wide problem with not the correct by ? Those with more than one or two to take may be faced with a range of collection dates for repeats, a mix of batch & non-batch prescritpions & (given the required 7 days notice) who rarely get the packs of correct. Getting the correct number & everything needed always seems to require extra visits & discussions.

#pills #tablets #chemists #pharmaceuticals #gps #prescribed #medications #prescription #dispensing #pharmacies #uk

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Newstarget
2212 followers · 21783 posts · Server brighteon.social
Music News Feed · @music_news_feed
6 followers · 3157 posts · Server room19.com
U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
4237 followers · 3663 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org