My #WeGovy prescription is late because of a glitch in Amazon Pharmacy's system. Amazon should really consult with a company that is good at eCommerce so it doesn't run into problems like this. #amazon #ecommerce #pharmacies #fuckhealthcare #healthcare
#wegovy #amazon #ecommerce #pharmacies #fuckhealthcare #healthcare
I'm not looking forward to switching #pharmacies. Postal Prescription Services takes #Medicaid, but only OR's. So I have to see what takes AK's in the near future, but it still makes me sad. PPS has been good to me.
Btw, don't be like me. If you make sure you get your meds from a pharmacy that takes your state's Medicaid, it's supposed to be covered in full with no co-pays. I could have been paying no co-pays on stuff if I knew this sooner.
Gotta love that American health insurance hellscape.
Jan Vishwas Bill, Passed Recently, Further Weakens Regulation of Pharmacies, Say Critics
The legislation could dramatically increase the risk-taking behaviour of pharmacies to the detriment of public health in India, say experts.
#JanVishwasBill #pharmacies #health #DrugRegulation #healthcare #law #india
#janvishwasbill #pharmacies #health #DrugRegulation #healthcare #law #india
I wonder if there's a #UK wide problem with #pharmacies not #dispensing the correct #prescription #medications #prescribed by #GPs? Those with more than one or two #pharmaceuticals to take may be faced with a range of collection dates for repeats, a mix of batch & non-batch prescritpions & #chemists (given the required 7 days notice) who rarely get the packs of #tablets correct. Getting the correct number #pills & everything needed always seems to require extra visits & discussions.
#pills #tablets #chemists #pharmaceuticals #gps #prescribed #medications #prescription #dispensing #pharmacies #uk
We've seen the growing incidence of #banking deserts (where towns have no bank branches at all), now as #Boots will close around 300 #pharmacies in the UK in a bid to 'optimise' locations, the Q. is how will this impact local communities?
Positively, it may remove a competitor from local (and regional) pharmacies allowing them to capture more provision of #medicines & associated products, but;
negatively, where Boots has already driven out the competition, will we see new pharma-deserts?
#banking #boots #pharmacies #medicines
1/13 So, this week I discovered my first #serious #security #vulnerability in a public system.
In the past I've found #problems in #software, problems with #websites, with bureaucratic processes, some of which were significant, but they all pale in comparison to this one.
It starts with a #chain of #pharmacies.
#serious #security #vulnerability #problems #software #Websites #chain #pharmacies #infosec #privacy #pharmacy
#Pharmacies in #Germany are on strike today - Bundesweiter Protesttag: Apotheken bleiben heute geschlossen
Als Zeichen des Protests bleiben die meisten Apotheken in Deutschland heute geschlossen. Die Branche prangert eine steigende Belastung bei zu niedriger VergĂŒtung an. Doch Bundesgesundheitsminister Lauterbach sieht kaum Handlungsspielraum.
#Protesttag #Apotheken #Gesundheitspolitik #germany #pharmacies
Just read in The Local DE that #Apotheke (#Pharmacies) are going to go on strike for a day next month. đ€Ł That's one cause I'm happy to never support, we have a huge surplus of these places that happily sell fake "homeopathic" and useless "natural" medicines at extortionate prices.
Democrats Unveil Plan For #NoCost, #OTC #BirthControl
The# FDA is currently deciding whether to make one brand of #oral #contraceptives available at #pharmacies without a #prescription. Co-leading the measure are Reps. #AlexandriaOcasioCortez (D-N.Y.) and #AmiBera (D-Calif.), as well as Sens. #MazieHirono (D-Hawaii) and #CatherineCortezMasto (D-Nev.). Polling - 71% likely Democratic, Republican voters support making oral contraceptives available #overthecounter
#nocost #otc #birthcontrol #oral #contraceptives #pharmacies #prescription #alexandriaocasiocortez #amibera #maziehirono #catherinecortezmasto #overthecounter
Had 6th #covid shot on Thursday - no longer available at local #pharmacies in my area #internist only #StaySafe #moderna #maskup #wearamask #immunocompromised #healthcare #besafe #CovidisReal #CovidKills
#covid #pharmacies #internist #staysafe #moderna #MaskUp #WearAMask #ImmunoCompromised #healthcare #besafe #covidisreal #covidkills
RT @USPO_Pharmacies
â ïž Un projet de dĂ©cret risque de dĂ©stabiliser les #pharmacies rurales !
â L'USPO alerte le @Sante_Gouv et demande une modification de ce texte afin de maintenir et favoriser l'Ă©quilibre pharmaceutique
RT @EtatdeVaud
[SANTE] đ„ Avant de se rendre aux #urgences... Les mĂ©decins traitants et la centrale des mĂ©decins de garde peuvent vous conseiller â les #pharmacies aussi
#Vaud #santé
#urgences #pharmacies #vaud #sante
[SANTE] đ„ Avant de se rendre aux #urgences... Les mĂ©decins traitants et la centrale des mĂ©decins de garde peuvent vous conseiller â les #pharmacies aussi
#Vaud #santé
#sante #vaud #pharmacies #urgences
#socialmedia #privacy #investigations #warrants #abortion #meta #facebook #google #police #userdata #pharmacies
Police getting help from social media to prosecute people seeking abortions.
#privacy #investigations #warrants #abortion #userdata #socialmedia #facebook #google #police #meta #pharmacies
' ProPublica found [that] online pharmacies that sell abortion medication such as mifepristone and misoprostol are sharing ... users' web addresses, relative location, and search data, with Google and other third-party sites â which allows the data to be recoverable [by] law enforcement...
ProPublica found similar web trackers that capture user data on the sites of at least nine online pharmacies ... '
#abortion #OblinePrivacy #prosecution #pharmacies #LawEnforecement
#lawenforecement #pharmacies #prosecution #oblineprivacy #abortion
@dangillmor Happily #Walgreens has no presence here in Hilo so I am never tempted to shop there. But CVS has a near-monopoly. If they cave it will be hard to boycott. Remember when there were myriad independent #pharmacies and multiple chains -- Thrifty, Rexall, Sav-On, etc.?
Iâve been using deliver-to-your-door #pharmacies for the familyâs medications because they are so damn convenient, but their failure mode is pretty fragile.
#AltoPharmacy suddenly stopped delivering my kidâs meds, marking them as âprescription pendingâ. I called our doc, and they assured me that yes, they have sent the prescription over. I waited for days for the status to change, and it did not. I posted a message to their helpline (there is no phone number to call), and waitedâŠ
Republican attorneys are warning the major pharmacies about the potential legal dangers of dispensing prescription abortion pills.
#News #Mifepristone #abortion #abortionpill #texas #ALABAMA #OHIO #Republicans #Walgreens #cvs #pharmacies
#News #mifepristone #abortion #abortionpill #texas #alabama #ohio #republicans #walgreens #cvs #pharmacies
Les #pharmacies qui veulent une primo ordonnance de spécialiste en plus de l'ordonnance généraliste mais qui voient aucun problÚme à vendre de l'#homéopathie (utiliser pour se soigner des produits non prouvés scientifiquement) et des produits Weleda (appartenant à une secte ésotérique).
Des commerces régis par l'administratif, sans aucun esprit de soin, sans aucune déontologie.