🎶When an Eel Climbs a Ramp to Eat Squid From a Clamp, That’s a Moray🎶
from #NYT, paywalled article continues: "Moray eels can hunt on land, and footage from a recent study highlights how they accomplish this feat with a sneaky second set of jaws."
A good #OA article is https://oceanbites.org/moray-eels-eerie-jaws-provide-unique-advantage/
with credits to image above, & link to original study. Fascinating, as well as 🎵 inspiration!
#nyt #oa #moray #morayeel #experimentalbiology #pharyngealjaw #amore
🎶When the jaws open wide and there’s more jaws inside, that’s a Moray🎶
#pharyngealjaw #moray #eel #morayeel #amore
🎶 When an eel has a maw with a pharyngeal jaw, that's a moray. 🎶
#pharyngealjaw #moray #eel #morayeel #amore