A _phased aray_ is a line (or grid) of antennas where we can tune the phase of each antenna, so we can use interference to change the direction where most of the signal energy goes! In his beautiful video, Nils Berglund has staggered the frequencies of his 19 antennas to achieve a nice sweeping effect!
It's nice to see the same sweep twice, but do you also wonder how it would look like if the video would run a little further? Nils has been developing his inspections of phase arrays in a dramatic fashion for a while now, and this is just the most recent in an on-going series of videos.
@winstonsmith This sounds really fun and cool. I've wanted to mess with #phasedarray but like...from scratch. I.e. not as a way of doing #ham, but just to figure out how.
That said, I don't think this rules out a hardware issue. If anything "our receiver is really complicated, it must not have any problems" seems...not very convincing.
The "different receivers see the same thing" is a lot more compelling.
New video! What benefits can you get out of having a radar system that has the ability to generate multiple beams of various different shapes?
In past Tech Talks, I've talked about the basics of radar and the basics of beamforming. Now, let's put them together and look at some of the ways that digital beamforming has improved radar systems.
#phasedarray #beamforming #matlab #mathworks #radar
Reverse Engineering A Phased Array System Reveals Surprising Details
#patchantenna #phasedarray #RadioHacks #radio #WiGig
#patchantenna #phasedarray #RadioHacks #Radio #WiGig