Kenyan Activist at #Africa Climate Summit: Fund Green Transition on Continent & Phase Out Fossil Fuel. #PhaseOutFossilFuels #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #รฉcologie #environnement #Climat #ChangementClimatique #ClimateChange #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
#africa #phaseoutfossilfuels #endfossilfuels #fastfairforever #extinctiondemasse #pollution #ecologie #environnement #climat #changementclimatique #ClimateChange #massextinction #ecology #environment #climate
Their chose different words - instead of "nonviable technology" they say "Actions Needed to Improve Management", but the report speaks for itself.
Of nineteen projects funded, only three are operational - and those three are consistently failing to meet their capture targets.
Carbon capture is not a solution for the climate crisis. We need to stop burning fossil fuels, as soon as possible.
#EndFossilFuels #PhaseOutFossilFuels #ClimateCrisis #CarbonCapture #OilAndGas #OilAndGas #OOTT
#oott #oilandgas #carboncapture #climatecrisis #phaseoutfossilfuels #endfossilfuels
Carbon Capture projects are not economically viable, even when they are being lavished with subsidies.
Money, time, and resources are being wasted on these projects, which will have no impact on atmospheric carbon concentrations.
How can we know CCS is not a viable technology? The US Government Accountability Office published a very complete report about the economics of CCS projects in 2021.
#EndFossilFuels #PhaseOutFossilFuels #ClimateCrisis #CarbonCapture #OilAndGas #OilAndGas #OOTT
#oott #oilandgas #carboncapture #climatecrisis #phaseoutfossilfuels #endfossilfuels
There is no "net" zero - there is only zero emissions, once we stop burning oil, gas, and coal. And we need to get there as soon as possible.
#EndFossilFuels #PhaseOutFossilFuels #Energy #CarbonCapture #OilAndGas
#oilandgas #carboncapture #energy #phaseoutfossilfuels #endfossilfuels
"But how can we know that Carbon Capture doesn't work?" - Because we've tried making it work for decades with no success.
Here's some examples:
- Gorgon, failed -
- Boundary Dam, failed -
- Kemper, failed -
If reaching "Net" Zero relies on these systems working, then evidently we will not reach it.
#phaseoutfossilfuels #endfossilfuels
The conclusion we can draw is that current plans and forecasts for emissions reductions are unrealistic, and will not be achievable even if every measure proposed is taken.
So, in my opinion we're most likely going past the 1.5-2C "limits".
As such, we should be focusing on understanding and developing resiliency to the new climate we will have to adapt to, instead of attempting to preserve "business as usual" as if nothing was changing around us.
#endfossilfuels #phaseoutfossilfuels
This shit is criminal.
Expansion of natural gas production and use started at a time when we knew climate change was happening and we needed to mitigate it.
A lot of people got very rich by knowingly poisoning our air, and continue to do so.
#endfossilfuels #phaseoutfossilfuels
Let's get one thing straight: Fossil fuel extraction locations are polluted hellscapes.
As soon as it's not profitable to sell fossil fuels the companies responsible will haul ass with their loot and leave the mess.
"My company shut down, I can't pay for any cleanup, sorry."
We will need to force these companies to clean up their mess, and they will fight and half ass it.
#endfossilfuels #phaseoutfossilfuels
The daily catastrophes that reliance on fossil fuels cause don't get factored in in usual cost analysis of fossil fuels.
2 killed and 57 injured following a natural gas explosion.
#phaseoutfossilfuels #romania #bucharest #news
Someone shared this graph about the CO2 emitted by the record breaking canadian wildfires.
I wanted to compare it to the emissions from the USA's transport sector.
This is equivalent to 7 seconds of emissions from the US transport sector.
Every 7 seconds, the US transport sector alone (mostly cars) adds 350 Mt of CO2 to the atmosphere.
#phaseoutfossilfuels #climatechange #climatecrisis
Finally, some good news.
Judge rules in favor of Montana youths in landmark climate decision
#ClimateJustice #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #PhaseOutFossilFuels
#phaseoutfossilfuels #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatejustice
I feel there's some similarity in the fight for the phase out of fossil fuels and the fight for banning indoor smoking.
There's a lot of addicts who feel their liberties are being stripped from them.
The difference is now the addicts include pretty much every person in this country, and the worst are the rich and powerful, so opposition is much greater and better funded than just big tobacco.
"The Land Conservancy of SLO County, Cal Poly, Regional Economic Action Coalition (REACH) and the yak titu titu yak tihini Northern Chumash Tribe (ytt) presented a proposal to the California Natural Resources Agency on Feb. 10..."
#NoMiraclesNeeded #WindWaterSolar #phaseoutfossilfuels #phaseoutnuclearenergy #closediablocanyon #DiabloCanyon
"โNo miracles neededโ: Prof Mark Jacobson on how wind, sun and water can power the world"
#phaseoutnuclearpower #phaseoutnuclearenergy #phaseoutfossilfuels #WWS #WindWaterSolar #NoMiraclesNeeded