🆕 We're back and full of good news! The IHC will be welcoming six new doctoral students with FCT fully-funded scholarships.🥳
👉 Read the full story on our website:
#histodons #PhDScholarships #AcademicLife #Anthropology
#histodons #phdscholarships #academiclife #anthropology
📢 Apply now! DLGS invites applications for #PhDScholarships in spatial intelligence & #SustainabilityTransformations. Explore the topic of digital applications reshaping decision-making, governance, mobility, & sustainability 👉 http://dlgs-dresden.de/
#phdscholarships #sustainabilitytransformations #callforapplications
🚨 Lembramos que, até 23 de Abril, estamos a receber manifestações de interesse para candidaturas ao concurso de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento, na área do Património Cultural, promovido pela Direcção-Geral do Património Cultural.
#histodons #PhDScholarships #Heritage #Museums #Bolsas #Doutoramento #Museums #Primónio
#histodons #phdscholarships #heritage #museums #bolsas #doutoramento #primonio
🆕 O IHC pretende receber manifestações de interesse na realização de projectos de doutoramento susceptíveis de candidatura ao concurso Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento, na área do Património Cultural, que foi aberto pela Direção-Geral do Património Cultural.
👉 https://bit.ly/ihcdgpc23
#histodons #phdscholarships #heritage #museums
⚠️ Hoje é o último dia para nos fazerem chegar a vossa proposta de candidatura às Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento da FCT!
👉 https://bit.ly/bolsasfct2023
Prolongamos até 6 de Março o prazo para recepção de propostas de candidatura às Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento da FCT!
👉 https://bit.ly/bolsasfct2023
⚠️ Alargamos o prazo de inscrição para o #DiaAberto do IHC até amanhã, 24 de Fevereiro!
Podem enviar o vosso CV e carta de motivação para comunicacao.ihc@fcsh.unl.pt
#diaaberto #phdscholarships #histodons #openday
A new edition of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program initiative, “Affiliated Ph.D. Programs,” funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), is open! This initiative promotes Ph.D. research in an industry context. So far, 16 out of 22 funded Ph.D. scholarships are conducting their research in collaboration with a Portuguese ICT company, a PT research lab, and a CMU team.
#Phd #PhDScholarships
A new edition of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program initiative, “Affiliated Ph.D. Programs,” funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), is open! This initiative promotes Ph.D. research in an industry context. So far, 16 out of 22 funded Ph.D. scholarships are conducting their research in collaboration with a Portuguese ICT company, a PT research lab, and a CMU team.
#Phd #PhDScholarships
6 fully funded PhD scholarships being offered by Leverhulme Centre for Water Cultures, University of Hull
- Creative community engagement for climate and water action
- Exploring sci-fi imaginings for future flood resilient cities
- Water, emotion &geography
- Climate-related water stresses & migration
- Etc
#PhDScholarships #geography #anthropology #culture #water #climate #migration
#phdscholarships #geography #anthropology #culture #water #climate #migration
RT @CRodriguesLab
PhD opportunities - We are looking to recruit highly motivated PhD candidates into our team through the MIBTP scheme. Excellent PhD program with opportunity to conduct work experience in various industries #phdscholarships