liebe Uni-/Wissensarbeiter*innen - mich würd mal ehrlich interessieren: ist chatGPT für euch ein Thema und wie geht ihr damit im Unterricht, in eurer eigenen Praxis bzw. in der Betreuung von Studierenden um?
#academictip #wissensarbeit #phdtalk
#academictip #wissensarbeit #phdtalk
@cspannagel I’ve talked to too many phd students who put their supervisor on the list of authors without even thinking about it. They would say, it’s “common practice”.
Long way to go. 😞
There *are* guidelines by the German Research Foundation helping identify reasons for #authorship, see p. 18:
#authorship #phdlife #academicchatter #phdtalk
While the intention is for the YorkU EGSA conference "Disembodied Communications: Vulnerable Identities and Caring Connections" to be in-person, there is a possibility, however, that we will be able to accommodate remote presenters! This will be confirmed after the deadline. Thus, we encourage anyone who is interested to apply! :)
CFP link - #gradstudents #phdlife #phdtalk #cfps #conference #earlycareer
#gradstudents #phdlife #phdtalk #cfps #conference #earlycareer
I'm a doctoral candidate in #acoustics at Sorbonne Université, and I hate #introductions. My thesis concerns the question of acoustic #heritage at #notredamedeparis. I talk a lot about acoustics and heritage (obviously), but also #musictechnology , #earlymusic , #phdtalk (including shitposting), #fiberarts , and my daily life in #france as an immigrant.
Toot toot!
#phdtalk #france #notredamedeparis #musictechnology #earlymusic #fiberarts #acoustics #introductions #heritage
I'm a doctoral candidate in #acoustics at Sorbonne Université, and I hate introductions. My thesis concerns the question of acoustic #heritage at #notredamedeparis. I talk a lot about acoustics and heritage (obviously), but also #musictechnology , #earlymusic , #phdtalk (including shitposting), #fiberarts , and my daily life in #france as an immigrant.
Toot toot!
#acoustics #heritage #notredamedeparis #musictechnology #earlymusic #phdtalk #fiberarts #france
I'm a doctoral candidate in #acoustics at Sorbonne Université, and I hate introductions. My thesis concerns the question of acoustic #heritage at #notredamedeparis. I talk a lot about acoustics and heritage (obviously), but also #musictechnology , #earlymusic , #phdtalk (including shitposting), #fiberarts , and my daily life in #france as an immigrant.
Toot toot!
#heritage #earlymusic #phdtalk #fiberarts #acoustics #notredamedeparis #musictechnology #france