#JobSearch update: Sent out my 100th application today. It's been quite a journey trying to figure out what types of jobs and what level to apply to, which is nicely visualized in this sankey diagram.
I found that as #PhDtoIndustry it's hard - #LeavingAcademia means that a lot of recruiters don't value your experience. I've had people tell me I have no experience (but also that I have too much experience).
Currently have an offer for an internship, that I'm not decided on yet.
#jobsearch #phdtoindustry #leavingacademia
HR response when I apply to mid-range / senior positions: "Sorry, we can't offer you this job because you don't have experience"
HR response when I apply to junior positions: "Sorry, we can't offer you this job because we're looking to hire someone without experience"
I'm beginning to realize that as #PhDtoIndustry I'm truly f*cked.
#phdtoindustry #jobsearch #leavingacademia #phdafterlife