Here's the next commentary video in the Half Hour Hegel series. With this one, we've got 4 more paragraphs left in the Phenomenology of Spirit
#Video #Hegel #Philosophy #Spirit #Idealism #Phenomenology #Commentary #Absolute #Knowing #Consciousness
#consciousness #knowing #absolute #commentary #phenomenology #idealism #spirit #philosophy #hegel #video
It's #BandcampFriday!
My partner makes a range of #experimental-to-#folk #music, almost all of which is available free or pay-as-you-wish on his label #RoughDraftRecords.
The music he makes is interested in time, place, #sound, #phenomenology. He's a talented multi-instrumentalist and often plays a prepared guitar along with other instruments. Enjoy!
#BandcampFriday #experimental #folk #music #roughdraftrecords #sound #phenomenology
I’ll be presenting first thing tomorrow at #RGSIBG23 in London on some of the work I’ve published in the Journal of Historical #Geography on Plato’s geographic myths and what they might tell us about seasonal and climate change.
The panel is on “Seasonal Cultures: Elements of Change”.
#rgsibg23 #geography #philosophy #phenomenology #plato
Yes, I have started making #cognitivescience #philosophy memes, including this one for #phenomenology, after much encouragement from others.
#chemero #philosophyofscience #psychology #memes #philosophyofmind #neuroscience
#neuroscience #philosophyofmind #memes #psychology #philosophyofscience #chemero #phenomenology #philosophy #cognitivescience
Usually I release these Half Hour Hegel videos first to Patreon supporters of the project, but since it's Hegel's birthday today, I figured I'd release this straight to the public. Long paragraph, so a long commentary!
#Hegel #Video #Commentary #Absolute #Philosophy #Phenomenology #Spirit #Knowing
#knowing #spirit #phenomenology #philosophy #absolute #commentary #video #hegel
New in HTML
The Challenge of #Heidegger's Approach to Technology: A Phenomenological Reading
Steven Crowell
PHENOMENOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS: TRANSITION / INTERVAL / CONTACT. Digital synthesis by A.G. (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. #historiotheque #noisefield #noisefields #noisefieldpainting #philosophy #phenomenology #noisemodels #noisemodeling #noisesynthesis #texturesynthesis #digitalsynthesis
#historiotheque #noisefield #noisefields #noisefieldpainting #philosophy #phenomenology #noisemodels #noisemodeling #noisesynthesis #texturesynthesis #digitalsynthesis
The Husserlian Mind ( ), edited by Hanne Jacobs, is an outstanding reference source to the full range of #Husserl's #philosophy. Forty chapters by a team of international contributors are divided into seven clear parts covering the following areas:
- major works
- phenomenological method
- #phenomenology of consciousness
- #epistemology
- #ethics and social and political philosophy
- philosophy of #science
- #metaphysics #filosofia
#husserl #philosophy #phenomenology #epistemology #ethics #science #metaphysics #filosofia
Here is one of our current call for papers: Please consider submitting your work, deadline coming up soon in October. The topic is Renewing Phenomenological Psychopathology! #phenomenology #psychiatry Lead guest editor is Lucienne Spencer. @philosophyofpsychiatry @psychiatry @phenomenology
Here's the next Half Hour Hegel commentary video. Long paragraph of the Phenomenology, with a lot going on, so likewise a longer video!
#Video #Hegel #Spirit #Absolute #Phenomenology #Philosophy #Idealism
#idealism #philosophy #phenomenology #absolute #spirit #hegel #video
Other than my monthly update, I haven't shot any new videos since getting sick. I did produce this Half Hour Hegel video last month & release it to supporters. So if anyone's been jonesing for new philosophy content, there's this
#Hegel #Commentary #Video #Phenomenology #Spirit #Absolute #Philosophy
#philosophy #absolute #spirit #phenomenology #video #commentary #hegel
Okay, going to put on my philosopher hat for a moment here and take y'all through a QND phenomenology of language:
the average (read: able and probably ableist) person tends to experience language in 2 forms: written and spoken, or more accurately visual and aural respectively. there are a set of symbols which we have learned in both cases to use to construct ideas in order to communicate them. visual language uses various symbols to construct words, whereas aural language uses sounds to do so.
a further word on visual language-- it might be better to simply call it "non-aural language," to be mindful of cases such as Braille. Braille does make use of symbols, but these are symbols interpreted through the tactile rather than visual sense.
now, we've already broken language into two pieces: aural and non-aural. in apprehending the phenomenon we seek to get at its base, at what is most essential to it. and if we reduce both aural and non-aural languages to their respective lowest common denominator, so to speak, we are left with the utterance (specifically, I'm thinking of Proto-Indo-European here) and the gesture (i.e., sign language in its various forms).
however! we are forgetting to include the internal experience-- the thought, which is the subject matter language is tasked with conveying in the first place. language is thus the means by which we intentionally shape our internal experience to be communicable.
the internal experience, of course, is the mind-- the complicated cocktail of thought, mood, personality, and emotion (among countless other ingredients). the mind, while capable of self-reflection, ultimately derives all its impressions from an original external source (the apparent world). the mind, as the thinking part of us (or maybe the thing observing the thinking part of us, but that's a separate post), reshapes those impressions into sensible form to share with others. when i hear a caw, and turn to my spouse to ask whether they heard that crow, it is the mind that connects that sensory input to the relevant memories (encoded previous impressions) and further draws on the instilled knowledge of language to assemble words that will convey the intended meaning when spoken aloud.
speaking of crows-- thus far we have approached the subject of language by looking at humans exclusively. however, i think it's more than fair to posit that most animals have at least language, if not minds. birds, for instance, are well-documented to have a variety of calls for different situations, such as warning of predators, attracting a mate, and threatening a rival, among others. all these things appear to make use of the same mechanism as ours, if in perhaps a simplified form: a sensory input is received, connected to the memories of similar inputs as well as the correct order and tones of the call, and then the bird emits the proper vocalization.
in any case, it seems to me that ultimately, what language does is serve as one way we close a circuit between input and output. we are always using it to make the internal external-- bearing in mind that everything internal once had its source external to us. humans have the seemingly unique ability to rigorously encode language to the point that it can be completely insensible even to a fellow human being.
#philosophy #phenomenology #language
Here's the next commentary video in the Half Hour Hegel series. With this one, we make it into paragraph 800 of his Phenomenology of Spirit. Just 8 more paragraphs to work through now!
#Hegel #Phenomenology #Spirit #Philosophy #Video #Absolute #Knowing
#knowing #absolute #video #philosophy #spirit #phenomenology #hegel
Went in and updated this list of links to all of the Half Hour Hegel videos released so far. They're organized by sections of the work. I'm expecting to finish up the entire project this Summer!
#Hegel #Commentary #Videos #Resources #Phenomenology #Spirit
#spirit #phenomenology #resources #videos #commentary #hegel
Ayer envié una propuesta para un artículo sobre Gadamer y el juego. Es la primera vez que participo a un call of papers, a ver qué pasa.
#juego #play #philosophy #phenomenology
I've been making good progress this month in the Half Hour Hegel commentary series. Here's one of the videos released earlier to supporters of the project, now available to the public!
#Hegel #Commentary #Video #Absolute #Knowing #Phenomenology #Spirit
#spirit #phenomenology #knowing #absolute #video #commentary #hegel
Husserl and community.
The focus of the present issue is on Husserl’s contribution to the field of social ontology. For many years, #Husserl has been regarded as a methodological solipsist with little to say on #intersubjectivity. Over the past thirty years, this interpretation has been solidly rejected by the majority of Husserl scholars. Within the last ten years, however, there has also been a growing appreciation of the fact that Husserl didn’t just investigate empathy and dyadic forms of social relations, but—like many of his contemporaries—also wrote extensively on the nature of community, i.e., on large scale social formations and groups (...)
Szanto, T., Meindl, P. & Zahavi, D. Introduction: Husserl and community. Cont Philos Rev (2023).
#fenomenologia #husserl #phenomenologie #intersubjectivity #phenomenology
Newly discovered video
Robert Pippin on
The #Phenomenology and the Logic of Life: #Heidegger and #Hegel
#phenomenology #heidegger #hegel
Here's the next commentary video in the Half Hour Hegel series. Making some decent progress towards the end of the Phenomenology this month!
#Hegel #Phenomenology #Video #Commentary #spirit #Dialectic #Philosophy
#philosophy #dialectic #spirit #commentary #video #phenomenology #hegel
"Phenomenology is … the study of everything that gives our lives meaning …it claims that describing the human experience of “things” directly without any filter … gives us a much better understanding of what it means to be human."
#phenomenology #psychology #perception #experience #meaning
How phenomenology can radically change your perspective on everyday life
#phenomenology #psychology #perception #experience #meaning