"La santé est un état de complet bien-être physique, mental et social et ne consiste pas seulement en une absence de maladie ou d’infirmité." Le stress est l'un des problèmes les plus importants pour notre santé mentale et physique. Alors, bien que ce soit un dimanche pluvieux (dans mon coin du moins), c'est essentiel pour moi de prendre un moment pour relaxer tout en dégustant un petit café. 😌☕ Prenez soin de vous. 🙏
#phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria #santémentale #mentalhealth #pku
#phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria #santementale #mentalhealth #pku
C'est #shareyoursupplementsaturday grâce à @growingupwithpku 😄🙌🏼
Depuis le début de 2023, j'ai commencé à ne boire que des formules PCU à très faible teneur en glucides, principalement Glytactin BUILD et Phenylade GMP Mix-In, mais ces derniers temps, j'ai ajouté PKU Air dans le mélange, il est assez faible en glucides aussi.
Je souhaite un très bon week-end à toute la communauté PCU 😌
#shareyoursupplementsaturday #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria #pku
It’s #shareyoursupplementsaturday thanks to @growingupwithpku 😄🙌🏼
Since the beginning of 2023 I’ve started drinking only super low carbs PKU formulas, mainly Glytactin BUILD and Phenylade GMP Mix-In, but lately I added PKU Air in the mix, it’s pretty low in carbs as well.
Wishing a very good weekend to all the PKU community 😌
#shareyoursupplementsaturday #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #pku
Le souper ce soir 😋
Riz de konjac avec piment vert et oignon réduits en purée accompagné d’asperges rôties dans l’huile. 👌🏻
Dinner tonight 😋. 😋
Konjac rice with mashed green pepper and onion accompanied by asparagus roasted in oil. 👌🏻
#phenylketonuria #pku #phenylcetonurie
Un de mes repas préférés, mais rapide et facile à faire! Préparez les pâtes, faites revenir les légumes dans le poêlon, ajoutez les pâtes, ajoutez la sauce et bam. C’est déjà fini.
One of my favorite meals, but quick and easy to make! Prepare the pasta, fry the vegetables in the skillet, add the pasta, add the sauce and bam. It's already over.
#lowprotein #pku #phenylcetonurie #Phenylketonuria #pkufood #pkurecipe
#lowprotein #pku #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria #pkufood #pkurecipe
Quand tu te prépares à partir à voyage, mais que tu as la #phénylcétonurie.
When you're getting ready to go on a trip, but you have #phenylketonuria.
#phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria
Cuisiner est l’un des plus beau cadeaux qu’on peut faire à un PCU et maîtriser les assaisonnements permet de varier un peu les goûts. Parlez-en à Spock. 😂
#phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria
#PKUFitness | I was looking for an Apple Watch application that could measure the same things that a Oura Ring can track and I came across Athlytic. It’s not bad at all, the app gives interesting data on sleep, stress and the level of recovery of the body to give advice such as « you can train thoroughly » or « it would be better to rest ». 😆 (With training suggestions to achieve the objectives.)
#pkufitness #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie
Did you know that you can connect your #Mastodon instance (in this case, PKU Talk) to @Flipboard ?
It’s a great visual way to check out content and interact with users.
#mastodon #feditips #mastodontips #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie
Did you know that you can connect your #Mastodon instance (in this case, PKU Talk) to @Flipboard ?
It’s a great visual way to check out content and interact with users.
#mastodon #feditips #mastodontips #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie
Not bad for a guy whose watch showed a really poor readiness score 😂
Pas mal pour un gars dont la montre indiquait un score de readiness vraiment poche 😂
#pkufitness #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie
PCU Blogue travels a lot! 🤩 🙃
#phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie
#phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie
#MastodonTips The mobile website works well on a smartphone but here are my 3 top choices if you want to use an app.
📌 Ice Cubes
📌 Ivory
📌 MetaText
#mastodontips #phenylketonuria #pku #phenylcetonurie
We have new friends on PKU Talk, it’s amazing! 🙌🏼
Interesting reading for new comers.
#phenylketonuria #pku #phenylcetonurie
#phenylketonuria #pku #phenylcetonurie
Quel est votre plat réconfortant PCU préféré?
What's you go-to PKU comfort food?
#phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie
Well, at least we can’t say I’m lazy.
I’ve been looking for a while for a free app that would aggregate my data/work on social media. Just found Metricool.
I had not realized a shared so much content in the last 30 days (and this is without Mastodon). 😳
#phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie
Thank you Subway for allowing me to eat #lowprotein AND #lowcarb even when I’m away for work.
#lowprotein #lowcarb #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria
Another day in our good old Mastodon server with a chronological feed and, most of all, no ads. 💐
Have a nice day 😄
#phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #canada #quebec
I miss sushi so much now that I'm behaving and on-diet.
What PKU foods do folks miss?
#pku #pcu #phenylketonuria #phenylalanine #phenylcetonurie #lowprotein #diet #health #nhs
#pku #pcu #phenylketonuria #phenylalanine #phenylcetonurie #lowprotein #diet #health #nhs
#MetaProblems | So, I’m trying to share the video of my recipe as a story to give it a little bit more visibility since it only reached 30 users in more than 24h, but funny enough, Meta is disconnecting me EVERYTIME my story is ready and I click « post ». …
#metaproblems #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie