ICAO: #AD2531
Flt: #FTH946 #MountainAviation #PHF-#SAV
First seen: 2023/08/31 14:46:03
Min Alt: 4750 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.63 nm
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ICAO: #AD2531
Flt: #FTH946 #MountainAviation #PHF-#SAV
First seen: 2023/08/20 18:56:38
Min Alt: 4850 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.88 nm
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New Vibes Based Hockey article! In this one, I discuss the closing of the PHF from a queer perspective. I go into the effect this has had on fans, myself, and even how it affects queer (especially trans) athletes.
#PHF #PWHPA #PWHPL #WoHo #WomensHockey #HNOM
#phf #pwhpa #pwhpl #woho #womenshockey #hnom
Thanks to a Twitter friend, these pucks have a new home: with me. Thank you so much, I'm so glad to have these Minnesota Whitecaps pucks in my possession.
#rollcaps #phf #womenshockey #hnom
I'm kind of disgusted with the way things played out with the PWHPA/PHF. Bad enough contracts got voided (and those players will have to re-sign at much lower salaries). Hearing that PWHPA backers, including Billie Jean King, apparently didn't like the name of the Boston team - Pride - that's just bullshit. If Toronto gets a team though, I'd still want to go watch. That league deserves all the support the NHL gets. #pwhpa #phf
Women's sports are queer in their core conception. They are transgressive by existing. To fail to acknowledge that is a failure to interact with reality.
So as you can imagine, I am concerned with these reports about Stan Kasten's opinion on the PHF branding and especially that of the Boston Pride being "too controversial."
Extremely well-reported story about the shutdown of the #PHF and its impact on its players. #hockey #woho https://theathletic.com/4678370/2023/07/10/phf-shutdown-pwhpa-mark-walter/
Nous prenons le chemin d’une vraie ligue professionnelle féminine unifiée, suite au rachat (la disparition) de la #PHF par la #PWHPA, deux entités antagonistes. Pour le meilleur du #hockey féminin, c’est une certitude, mais à quel prix ? Après avoir installé le décor dans la 1ère partie, suite de notre série « la bataille d’une ligue ».
One of the best articles I've seen on the PWHPA/PHF situation in women's hockey right now, written by Erica Ayala. No paywall. She interviewed PHF team ownership, their commissioner, a long time PHF player, and a PWHPA board member. Check it out.
#hockey #phf #pwhpa #oneleague
New Vibes Based Hockey article: in this one, I discuss the PWHPA hostile takeover of the PHF. All the details of what happened and what this means for the players, and more importantly: why this is destructive to the sport.
If you're wondering what is happening in Women's Pro Hockey, the PHF has been acquired by the LA Dodgers' controlling owner, Mark Walter. The league will shutter and consolidate with PWHPA to create a unified women's hockey league that is expected to launch in January 2024.
The primary concern is what this does to PHF contracts. This will void all current contracts and provide all players with a minimum salary of $35,000.
Woke up after a less than five hour sleep realizing that much of what I wrote last night was jumbled, poorly written, and just too mean. So, now I'm re-writing large portions of the article about the PWHPA buyout, and having to add in new details we've learned this morning. Sigh.
Putting the impact to current PHF :phf_logo: players in pretty plain terms.
"When a single professional women's hockey league emerges from the news of an acquisition of the PHF by Mark Walter and Billie Jean King Enterprises, it could result in hundreds of lost jobs for professional women's hockey players, at least initially."
Follow up, Hailey Salvian at The Athletic has just posted a story on it. Paywall, unfortunately, but here it is.
Holy fuck. It looks like the PWHPA and PHF may be merging. Wow.
#phf #pwhpa #womenshockey #hnom