A friend found these "cinderellas" inside a book and gave them to me. They are dedicated to Spanish painters, in this case Goya.
In them, you can read in the central part:
"Spanish Association for the fight against poliomyelitis."
And on the right side
"We want to walk ...
work ...
be useful ...
help us"
They are from 1972, and I think they send a great message.

#philately #filatelia #philatelyforgood

Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
9 followers · 46 posts · Server philately.social

To wrap things up, we have our draw winners for the stamps!

Our first winner, for the stamps used in the various posts to promote (plus a few more I got but never posted), is @meowmeowwuwu 🎉

Our second winner, for a book of the Guide Dogs braille stamps, is @shar.nanigans 🪅

Thank you everyone who participated! ✌️


Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
9 followers · 45 posts · Server philately.social

1976 Mexico, 100th anniversary of the Hospital oftalmologico de la luz

I admit this one is cheating, even more than the others. The Hospital de la Luz in Chiapas is not directly related to the one in Mexico City (which is referenced in the stamp). But the doctor who started this one did his training in the CDMX one. So still a tenuous connection, right? This Hospital de la Luz is a supporter of the local projects here in Chiapas.

#philately #philatelyforgood #almostbutnotquitextremephilately

Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
9 followers · 44 posts · Server philately.social

1975 Ethiopia, Jesus heals a blind man.

Our surgical teams aren't Jesus, but they do use their hands (and tools) to restore sight to the blind. I can't go to the OR while they're doing surgery, but I was able to go to the next-day post-op check up when patient's eyepatches come off and they can see again.

We did 276 eye exams, 140 surgeries, 135 consults for further treatment; gave out 115 distance glasses, 215 readers, and 192 sunglasses.

#philatelyforgood #almostbutnotquitextremephilately

Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
9 followers · 39 posts · Server philately.social

1978 Austria I0th world congress of the international diabetes federation. (Diabetic retinopathy, but my ophtho friend says it's not anatomically correct)

Station 5: When the eye exam turns up more complicated issues, the patient is referred to our ophthalmologist for further examination. From there, the patient may be scheduled for surgery on the next project or with local partners if needed.

#philately #philatelyforgood #almostbutnotquitextremephilately

Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
9 followers · 38 posts · Server philately.social

1979 Finland Elinkeinovapaus näringsfrihet (Free business) focusing on the optical in the front.

Station 4: !
If a patient needs glasses, we do our best to match them with a pair from our stock of over 5000 donated glasses. If no match, we give a pair of frames so they can get lenses fitted.

Donated glasses get cleaned, sorted, catalogued in the computer, labelled, boxed, and shipped to the destination.

#glasses #philately #philatelyforgood #almostbutnotquitextremephilately

Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
9 followers · 37 posts · Server philately.social

Station 3: Optometry

Patients get an eye exam, but perhaps the equipment is a little more portable than you're used to. Instead of twisting and turning dials on a to test , the optometrists add and remove lenses on an (testing frames).

(Station 2 didn't happen on this project, we're not crazy... Maybe)

#phoropter #refraction #armazonesprobador #philately #philatelyforgood #almostbutnotquitextremephilately

Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
9 followers · 36 posts · Server philately.social

Pan-Arab Council of Ophthalmology (PACO) Syria 1993

Station 1: Visual Acuity
The first station is a pre-screen foe a starting point for the optometrists. You're familiar with eye charts on the wall; we use the "Tumbling E" cube so it's not static (it's in view of the waiting area). It's helpful for illiterate patients, they point which way the lines are pointing.

I love this one too much, so it's not part of the giveaway ❤️

#philately #philatelyforgood #almostbutnotquitextremephilately

Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
9 followers · 33 posts · Server philately.social

Netherlands 1977 For patients with extreme corneal blindness, osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis ("tooth in eye surgery") removes the cornea and replaces it with tissue from the cheek, making the eye pink. The patient's is extracted, shaped, gets a lens embedded in it, and then is implanted in the eye. Even after reviewing news stories, journals, and watching videos, I'm still only around 90% sure the Internet isn't BSing me.

Share to win this and other stamps! Link in bio.

#tooth #philatelyforgood

Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
8 followers · 28 posts · Server philately.social

Singapore 1981 SC#381 International Year of Disabled Persons: The right to Work. Win this stamp! Info link in bio.
The full-time employment rate for Canadians with vision loss is about 30% Yikes! 😬 Employable Me (watch: tvo.org/programs/employable-me) highlights the barriers people with disabilities face in finding work: ignorance, prejudice, and unwillingness to provide accommodations. People with vision loss can work and be independent if only given the opportunities to do so.


Last updated 1 year ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
7 followers · 19 posts · Server philately.social

2008 Canada BK374 Guide dogs assist blind and low vision people navigate safely. These adorable assistants are not funded, trained, or provided by provincial healthcare, but thru charities. You can volunteer as a puppy raiser! If that's too exciting, donations can pay for shots, equipment, training, and support someone keep their independence.

Share (boost) this post or give to the for a chance to win this booklet, sponsored by Greg Simon, Stamp Dealer.

#philatelyforgood #eyeprojectfundraiser

Last updated 2 years ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
6 followers · 17 posts · Server philately.social

1978 Uganda 208 High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the retina— which is bad! This stamp shows cotton wool spots, bleeding, and narrowed blood vessels. Be sure to visit your optometrist!

I'm volunteering at an eye clinic, and your donation to the will help provide eye exams for those who can't afford it. Give a donation or share this post for a chance to win this and other eye stamps! Link in bio for info and how to get a project postcard.

#philatelyforgood #eyeprojectfundraiser

Last updated 2 years ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
6 followers · 14 posts · Server philately.social

Audible crosswalk signals originated in Japan in the 70s. They give blind and low-vision individuals much more autonomy when out and about. Nowadays, Accessible Pedestrians Signals ("APS", not the American Philatelic Society!) button also vibrate when it's safe to cross, which makes intersections more accessible to those who are both deaf and blind.

Share this post for draw. Donate to receive a custom postcard and cachet! More info at link in bio.

#philatelyforgood #eyeprojectfundraiser

Last updated 2 years ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
6 followers · 12 posts · Server philately.social

Intraocular lenses replace natural ones that have . Cataracts are when natural lenses become clouded, and can get to the point of blindness.

This summer I'm going on a vision care project for people who nomally can't afford it. Your donation to the will help provide this healthcare to these people. Give a donation or share this post to win this and other stamps! Visit cachetscanada.wixsite.com/forg for info and how to get a project postcard or cachet.

#cataracts #philatelyforgood #eyeprojectfundraiser

Last updated 2 years ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
5 followers · 7 posts · Server philately.social

Canada issued the Organ and Tissue Donation a year ago in support of

April 6, 2018, a collision killed 16 and severely injured 13 members of the hockey team. The Boulet family turned tragedy into hope for 6 other families: they donated their son's organs when he passed away Apr 7. The is the uptick in registered organ donors (+9%) since that day.

Being a donor can save many lives. beadonor.ca greenshirtday.ca

#stamp #greenshirtday #humboldtbroncos #loganbouleteffect #philatelyforgood

Last updated 2 years ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
5 followers · 5 posts · Server philately.social

@turngren_phila A noble effort 😄 I hope to come up with more ideas, and that people might be able to think of other ideas too. Probably best for people to integrate philately into the things they're already doing.

Giving blood isn't feasible for everyone, and soon it may not be for me too (I may be on deferral again due to potential upcoming travel), so I want to promote it as much as I can while I still can. Then I'll have to do in other ways too.


Last updated 2 years ago

cachets.canada · @cachetscanada
3 followers · 3 posts · Server philately.social

My previous 🩸 got positive attention, which got me thinking: can be harnessed as a force for good? And can philatelic good be used to draw more attention to the hobby? Maybe? That's how public relations generally works, anyway, so I'll give it a try.

See full post at instagram.com/p/Cqd03FxJs1R/ for more info on !

#philatelysaveslives #blooddonation #xtremephilately #philately #philatelyforgood

Last updated 2 years ago