RT @RotoRub
Join us for the next talk in the @RotoRub lecture series 📅: Richard Gawne (@TuftsUniversity) & James DiFrisco (@TheCrick) will discuss the potential perils of embracing agential perspectives in biology. Please register here 👇https://rotorub.wordpress.com/roto-lecture-series/ #philbio #evobio #philsci
RT @ankeny_rachel@twitter.com
Another fabulous article published in Studies, by Emily Parke (Auckland) and Anya Plutynski (Wash U)! @ElsevierNews@twitter.com @BioViewsHPS@twitter.com #hps #philbio https://twitter.com/Project_Telos/status/1628461116555956226
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ankeny_rachel/status/1628506285506453504
A "for the record" paper for evolutionary biologists:
tl;dr: cite the 1964 paper, not the 1973 for "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"
On Citing Dobzhansky about the Significance of Evolution to Biology https://academic.oup.com/iob/article/5/1/obac047/6807413?searchresult=1
#EvolutionaryBiology #evolution #evobio #ecoevo #histbio #philbio #biology #Dobzhansky
#EvolutionaryBiology #Evolution #evobio #ecoevo #Histbio #philbio #biology #dobzhansky
I am honored and pleased to be among the elected #AAAS Fellows for 2022!! This is quite a distinguished group and I am thrilled and humbled to be included among them.
Congratulations also go to my fellow History and Philosophy of Science Fellows for this year, @erikconway, Amy Lauren Fairchild,, and Alan Love!
#AAASFellows #HPS #philsci #philbio @philosophy
#philbio #philsci #hps #aaasfellows #AAAS
From Anne Sophie Meincke's talk today on "Development and Evolution Reconceived: Lessons from Process Ontology"
A process biology interpretation of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis
#EES @evolution #evolution #evobio #ecoevodevo #evodevo @philosophy #philbio #metaphysics #processontology #processbiology
#EES #Evolution #evobio #ecoevodevo #evodevo #philbio #metaphysics #processontology #processbiology
RT @ehud
Happy announce our special issue of Proc Roy Soc B @RSocPublishing on
‘Human socio-cultural evolution in light of evolutionary transitions'
Coedited by me, Eörs Szathmáry, Ayelet Shavit & Yohay Carmel.
Get it while it's hot!!!
A shared these screenshots with my #philbio colleagues and crowed that (1) the chatbot is not advanced enough to form consistent arguments, and (2) if this is going to be the kind of essays we're gonna grade from now on, I don't want to! It's a headache to point out exactly what went wrong.
Well, folks. I tried the same set of questions again this morning.
And to my surprise, I tell you... #ChatGPT did very, very well.
Yesterday, I asked #ChatGPT whether the Portuguese Man O'War is a biological individual, a classic question in #philbio. It gave inconsistent answers like the one below, insisting that the colonial organism is not an individual (organism), but also agreeing that it fits the bot's own criteria of individuality. I kept pushing. It struggled. Eventually, it started to repeatedly throw up red errors when I really pushed: how are zooids different from the organs of a multicellular individual then?
So excited to share that #ISHPSSB #ISHPSSB23 call for abstracts is out!
July 9-15, 2023
University of Toronto in Partnership with Western University
Deadline: 31 January 2023
#ishpssb #ishpssb23 #philbio #Histbio #sts
Paper from Evolution: Education and Outreach
Development and validation of a framework for the assessment of school curricula on the presence of evolutionary concepts (FACE)
#EvolutionEducation #EvolutionOutreach #FACE #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #EcoEvo #PhilBio #BiologyEducation #Education #Pedagogy #Outreach #SciComm #ScienceEngagement
#evolutioneducation #evolutionoutreach #face #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #ecoevo #philbio #biologyeducation #education #pedagogy #outreach #scicomm #scienceengagement
The symposium "Epistemological Debates on Current Developments in Evolutionary Biology" will close the 2022 #AIFIBI meeting (Asociación Iberoamericana de Filosofía de la Biología; Iberoamerican Association for the Philosophy of Biology) today & tomorrow!
#EvolutionaryBiology #EcoEvo #Spanish @philbio @philosophy #PhilSci #PhilBio #EvoBio #evolution #IberoAmericana
#aifibi #EvolutionaryBiology #ecoevo #spanish #philsci #philbio #evobio #Evolution #iberoamericana
I finished reading 'Other Minds'by Peter Godfrey-Smith and felt quite emotional at the end. What a wonderful book.
"There are many reasons for us to appreciate and care for oceans, and I hope this book has added another one. When you dive into the sea, you are diving into the origin of us all." 💙🌊
#books #mind #evolution #philbio #philosophy
I am deeply impressed by @lisabortolotti's leadership and initiatives at @PhilosophicalPsychology.
What an honor to serve on its editorial board.
#PhilMind #PhilCogSci #PhilBio #Psychology #CognitiveScience #MentalHealth
#PhilosophicalPsychology #philmind #philcogsci #philbio #psychology #cognitivescience #mentalhealth
Had some very nice conversations with a few of my closest #evodevo and #philbio mentors this past week, after not being in touch for over an year. Next year, I will embark on an even more independent scholarly path, with a strong focus on building new skill sets (#German, #DigitalHumanities stuff related to #GraphDatabase #NetworkAnalysis). Will still do some grant-writing, paper-writing, encyclopedia-writing, #scicomm, but the focus will be on foundational new skills.
#evodevo #philbio #german #digitalhumanities #graphdatabase #networkanalysis #scicomm
Apparently, there is now a #philbio group! Tag to share posts to the group and get posts from the group.
hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.
i am passionate about keeping bees, tending to pollinator and wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to make botanical scents with.
i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again.
currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!
lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!
#AgroEcología #ApiCultura #PhytoRemediation #Lichen #Moss #Mycology #Metal
#SciArt #HPS #HistPhilSci
#PhilSci #PhilBio #Symbiartic
#MedAnthro #EnvHist #EnvHum #EcoCrit #CompLit
#LitTheory #MultiSpecies
#Plantionocene #NoBorders
#CarceralGeographies #SolidarityNotCharity
#Conspirituality #Skeptic #SomaticRegulation
#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation
hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.
i am passionate about keeping bees, tending to pollinator and wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to make botanical scents with.
i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again.
currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!
lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!
#AgroEcología #ApiCultura #PhytoRemediation #Lichen #Moss #Mycology #Metal
#SciArt #HPS #HistPhilSci
#PhilSci #PhilBio #Symbiartic
#MedAnthro #EnvHist #EnvHum #EcoCrit #CompLit
#LitTheory #MultiSpecies
#Plantionocene #NoBorders
#CarceralGeographies #SolidarityNotCharity
#Conspirituality #Skeptic #SomaticRegulation
#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation
hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.
i am passionate about keeping bees, building soil health, tending to pollinator/wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, medicinal botanicals and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to compose botanical scents with.
i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again. currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have a eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!
lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!
#AgroEcología #ApiCultura #PhytoRemediation #Lichen #Moss #Mycology #Metal
#SciArt #HPS #HistPhilSci
#PhilSci #PhilBio #Symbiartic
#MedAnthro #EnvHist #EnvHum #EcoCrit #CompLit
#LitTheory #MultiSpecies
#Plantionocene #NoBorders
#CarceralGeographies #SolidarityNotCharity
#Conspirituality #Skeptic #SomaticRegulation #Synaesthesia #SoilBuilding #Permacultura
#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation #synaesthesia #SoilBuilding #permacultura