I Wish It Would Rain Down (Remastered 2016) · Phil Collins
#music #pop #80s #philcollins #nowplaying #unoradio
This song I love, love, love for the bass guitar (specially the run from 3.10 to about 3.25) and the horns
Find a way to my heart
When #PhilCollins’ “In The Air Tonight” comes on, it’s time to leave the coffee shop.
Daily-not-daily #SongOfTheDay: "Jesus He Knows Me" by Genesis
One of those songs that goes way harder than you realise on repeated listenings. I thought it was a pastiche on general religious types, but apparently it's based on a specific televangelist. The legend goes, he didn't realise it was a parody, and loved the song and video!
So, y'know, satire being confused for endorsement isn't a new problem!
#classicrock #philcollins #sotd #songoftheday
Okay, Mastodon, it's the weekend! Went down a rabbit hole and ended up doing a deep dive on the immortal Phil Collins classic, "In the Air Tonight." This song is haunting, thought provoking, and a Rock classic.
What other songs would you listen as haunting, and classic? Any genre of music.
#music #classicRock #haunted #UrbanLegends #SpookySongs #PhilCollins
#music #classicrock #haunted #urbanlegends #spookysongs #philcollins
#GenreOfTheWeek #ProgressiveRock
How about another dance with #Genisis?
From ‘A Trick of the Tail’, listeners were greeted by the dissonant verses of ‘Dance on a Volcano’, the first song written for the album. #PhilCollins also played in the fusion band Brand X in the 1970s, and ‘Dance on a Volcano’ is as close as Genesis came to jazz fusion. Collins’ drumming is outstanding, making the complex 7/8 rhythm funky and propulsive.
#genreoftheweek #progressiverock #genisis #philcollins
The Phil Collins playlist from 2014 #music #PhilCollins https://www.theverge.com/2014/6/21/5828534/the-verge-playlist-phil-collins
People don't know that I'm over my obsession for #PhilCollins, but...
take a look at me now.
#AtLeast... #WeCanAgree that #PhilCollins was #Not in #LesRitasMitsouko...
#Phew... #WhatARelief...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🛫☕️🍪🦄🍪☕🛬
Les Rita Mitsouko: Tongue Dance (Remix by William Orbit & Mark Moore) (Audio Officiel)
#atleast #wecanagree #philcollins #not #lesritasmitsouko #phew #whatarelief #crisisnarrowlyaverted
#AtLeast... #WeCanAgree that #PhilCollins was #Not in #LesRitasMitsouko...
#Phew... #WhatARelief...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🛫☕️🍪🐻🍪☕🛬
Les Rita Mitsouko: Tongue Dance (Remix by William Orbit & Mark Moore) (Audio Officiel)
#atleast #wecanagree #philcollins #not #lesritasmitsouko #phew #whatarelief #crisisnarrowlyaverted
#WhatTheFlyingFuck is #PhilCollins doing in #MyAlbumArt...?!
#PhilCollins #MostDefinitely wasn't in #TheOrb; nor was he in #TheDisposableHeroesOfHiphoprisy, neither...!
Or... #LimpBizkit...
#PhilCollins is #StillTerrorising #MyAlbumArt...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🛫☕️🍪🐻🍪☕🛬
#okiedokies #whattheflyingfuck #philcollins #myalbumart #mostdefinitely #theorb #thedisposableheroesofhiphoprisy #limpbizkit #stillterrorising
#WhatTheFlyingFuck is #PhilCollins doing in #MyAlbumArt...?!
#PhilCollins #MostDefinitely wasn't in #TheOrb...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🛫☕️🍪🐻🍪☕🛬
#openletter #dearmicrosoft #whattheflyingfuck #philcollins #myalbumart #mostdefinitely #theorb
#openletter #dearmicrosoft #wtaf #philcollins #stillterrorising #myalbumart
And, #PhilCollins is #StillTerrorising #MyAlbumArt...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#openletter #dearmicrosoft #wtaf #philcollins #stillterrorising #myalbumart
#PhilCollins is #StillTerrorising #MyAlbumArt...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 💿🦹💽🦄💽🦹💿
Depeche Mode: It's No Good (Subtitulado Español)
#nope #it #nogood #philcollins #stillterrorising #myalbumart
#PhilCollins is #StillTerrorising #MyAlbumArt...
I can #Confirm that #PhilCollins was NOT in #TheDisposableHeroesOfHiphoprisy...
#TrueFacts | #RedBeanBearSaysSo
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 💿🦹💽🐻💽🦹💿
#nope #it #nogood #philcollins #stillterrorising #myalbumart #confirm #thedisposableheroesofhiphoprisy #truefacts #redbeanbearsaysso
One of my favourite #philcollins songs. Cut right through my heart ❤️ when I heard it the first time.. If leaving me is easy 💔 #nachtclip #nachtplaten #nightclip
#nightclip #nachtplaten #nachtclip #philcollins
"Everyday" is a song by English musician #PhilCollins, released as the second single of his fifth studio album, #BothSides (1993). The single achieved success mostly in North America in early 1994. In 2004, it was included as the seventh track on Collins' compilation album #LoveSongsACompilationOldAndNew.
#philcollins #bothsides #lovesongsacompilationoldandnew