DONAHUE: "Gay High School" - 6/10/1985, Syndicated
Today in 1985 on this popular daytime talk show, Steve Shlomo Ashkinazy of the Institute for the Protection of Lesbian and Gay Youth (now the Hetrick-Martin Institute), playwright/activist Larry Kramer, and others discussed New York City's newly opened Harvey Milk High School, a small school created for kids who had dropped out of other schools due to homophobic violence or harassment.
#QueerYouth #LGBTQYouth #television #TalkShows #education #PhilDonahue #LarryKramer
#queeryouth #lgbtqyouth #television #talkshows #education #phildonahue #larrykramer
my favorite thing about #MSNBC is that famously "left wing" MSNBC fired #PhilDonahue for being against the War in #Iraq, the objectively correct position and replaced him with racist, #homophobic shithead #MichaelSavage who told a gay caller that he hoped he gets #AIDS and dies.
#msnbc #phildonahue #iraq #homophobic #michaelsavage #aids
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: ‘Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields’ Reckons With the Notion of Child as Sex Object #Jezebel #personalrelationshipsofmichaeljackson #thesundancefilmfestival #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #babybrookeshields #keithcarradine #michaeljackson #brookeshields #randalkleiser #creativeworks #thebluelagoon #grierhammond #terishields #andreagassi #calvinklein #phildonahue #deancain
#jezebel #personalrelationshipsofmichaeljackson #thesundancefilmfestival #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #babybrookeshields #keithcarradine #MichaelJackson #brookeshields #randalkleiser #creativeworks #thebluelagoon #grierhammond #terishields #andreagassi #calvinklein #phildonahue #deancain
God damn it. I truly miss seeing #PhilDonahue on tv. My mom loved his show and would watch it every day. During the #summer when school was out, I’d often wake up to the sounds of people arguing or being #interrogated by Phil on his talk show. I miss her and those days.
#interrogated #Summer #phildonahue
I just remembered: 32 years ago today, after watching an Episode of #PhilDonahue (google him), I ran down stairs and declared my gayness to my dear mom and dad out of the blue (or was it pink...).
Anyway, It made for an awkward #ThanksGiving dinner the following day. It all worked out, and obviously I'm well adjusted (as evidenced by all my many nude photos).
Really it wasn't bad for me, and I feel grateful for that...and Phil Donahue, of course. #comingout #gaysofacertainage. #gaymastodon
#gaymastodon #phildonahue #thanksgiving #comingout #gaysofacertainage
Watching #Halston documentary on #primevideo reminds me of how much of an impact #PhilDonahue had on #gayvisibility in the 80s. Pretty sure his show was the only place I saw gay people on tv as a kid.
#halston #primevideo #phildonahue #gayvisibility
Another critical question. Who would win a #deathmatch #fight between #LarryKing, #RegisPhilbin, & #PhilDonahue?
#deathmatch #fight #larryking #regisphilbin #phildonahue