@drcraigemerson #ReserveBank governor #PhilipLowe “has been lucky in that productivity has nosedived”. @DavidRoweWTL@mstdn.social @davidrowewtl@bird.makeup #DavidRowe's #cartoon #alttext
#alttext #cartoon #davidrowe #philiplowe #ReserveBank
Australia: Michele Bullock to be new central bank head
#Australia #centralbank #ReserveBankofAustralia #PhilipLowe #MicheleBullock #AnthonyAlbanese #JimChalmers
#JimChalmers #anthonyalbanese #michelebullock #philiplowe #reservebankofaustralia #centralbank #Australia
#PhilipLowe made a 'huge error' - running #RBA as a franchise of Morrison’s government
RT @c_s_wallace@twitter.com
Yup. Former #RBA governor #BernieFraser in today’s #AFR on the dud (and hopefully soon departing) incumbent #PhilipLowe.
Ping @JEChalmers@twitter.com #auspol
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/c_s_wallace/status/1672440969109864449
#RBA #berniefraser #AFR #philiplowe #auspol
“RBA governor is a figure of mockery — both with the public and with serious commentators”
Surely, #PhilipLowe has noticed we’ve had a Labor government for more than a year, so why does he speak like Morrison’s proxy? He’s a bit slow on the uptake. #AllHisOwnDoing
#FionaKatauskas @FionaKatauskas ·
Cold Comfort- my #cartoon for @GuardianAus: #PhilipLowe’s advice is cold comfort for Australians "You want us to do what?" #auspol #alttext
#alttext #auspol #philiplowe #cartoon #fionakatauskas
"Essentially, the RBA governor has admitted he is flying blind." 🙄
#ABCNews: Philip Lowe's long and gradual fall from grace after the many failures of the RBA
#abcnews #RBA #philiplowe #ausecon
#philiplowe Next time someone mentions the trite phrase 'class warfare' remember this bloke whose only way of managing the economy is to lob fiscal bombs on the working poor by deliberately increasing interest rates and unemployment.
#PhilipLowe BL ventilating pulling his suit coat away from his body to cool off. Feeling the heat . Navarro ex FBI says "he found criminals, those who ventilated during an interview, were guilty. "
RBA Governor #PhilipLowe
"Capitalism works . I wouldn't be going to a different system." Laughs BL False Tie adjust insecurity tries to lift his Alpha.
Qu: "What keeps you awake at night?"
Lowe "Nothing."
"I worry..free trade..further major geopolitical events over prosperity." You zero.
'Litany of failures': Reserve Bank governor grilled over rate hikes, rejects calls for his resignation
It’s not that #PhilipLowe isn’t doing his job - he is. It’s just that his job is to preserve bank profits no matter the sacrifice by mortgage holders. #ItsTheSystem #ChangeTheSystem
#philiplowe #itsthesystem #changethesystem
Philip Lowe just wants some privacy after bankers lunch coincided with bond sell-off https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/02/16/philip-lowe-big-four-banks-bond-sell-off/ #Australianeconomy #interestratesrise #bigfourbanks #philiplowe #NickMcKim #words_800 #Economy #News #RBA
#australianeconomy #interestratesrise #bigfourbanks #philiplowe #nickmckim #words_800 #economy #news #rba
#PhilipLowe won't take responsibility for himself always bringing in the other 9 board members. I can guarantee HIS decisions are final. What reasons did he give for DESERVING to keep his job?
"I intend serving out that term. It's an important job that comes with public accountability." 😖Entitlement . If the job is important then he's important.
#McKim to #Lowe #Bullock crossed arms defensive. #NickMcKim "You said int rates wouldn't increase til 2024." #philiplowe BL covers mouth lowers head feels humiliation.
McKim "Can you explain to renters & mortgage holders why you deserve to keep your job?"
#Lowe I have a 7yr term there are 9 board members not just me." Reluctance to take sole responsibility.
#mckim #lowe #bullock #NickMcKim #philiplowe
#PhilipLowe #RBAGovenor
Sack him. His BL says he is untrustworthy. Numerous face touching & mouth covering, holding back the truth of the matter. Ear touching blocking out what he's hearing, all signs are of lying & or deceit. Laughing , smiling inappropriately in the face of suffering.
#PhilipLowe #RBAGovenor
BL of the False Tie Adjust. A reliable indicator of anxiety. Men do this when they are not feeling assertive & try to dial up their Alpha. Also the False Cuff adjust, feeling insecure tries to dial up Alpha. Lifts out coat from chest ventilating. Stress hormones send blood to muscles & increase circulation causing a feeling of being hot.
#RBAGovenor #PhilipLowe
BL Palm down gestures. Power & dominance. Denial, aggression.To display authority. 'What I say goes.' Palms down is show of superiority. Suppressing, holding down. Counts points on fingers, condescending, receiver too stupid to understand.
"When we put up interest rates, the immediate effect, I think, is a boost to bank profits, particularly if they're slow in raising deposit rates, which they have been." 💰🙄
#ABCNews: RBA boss Philip Lowe defends banks as he flags further interest rate hikes
#abcnews #RBA #philiplowe #banks #profits #interestrates #inflation
Values-led capitalism lasted a fortnight. Now Jim’s batting for bankers — again https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/02/15/interest-rates-labor-jim-chalmers-philip-lowe/ #ReserveBankofAustralia #TreasurerJimChalmers #Astonbyelection #laborgovernment #PeterDutton #philiplowe #words_1800 #POLITICS #Economy #Opinion #auspol #RBA
#reservebankofaustralia #treasurerjimchalmers #astonbyelection #laborgovernment #peterdutton #philiplowe #words_1800 #politics #economy #opinion #auspol #rba