Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
382 followers · 1683 posts · Server universeodon.com

Malgre la nuit has a lurid noir plot. And it’s perhaps the most narrative heavy film to date. But the imagery he presents here is still tour-de-force. The bodies, the alienness of pale human skins against its dark backdrop - in the woods, unlit bedrooms & basements... make strong visual impact & brings out visceral, emotional reaction. Grandrieux makes a good use of his two skinny actors - often completely naked, with their fawn-like sad faces, they go through raw emotions of being in some kind of mythic tragedy. David Lynch and Grandrieux are kindred spirits in more ways than one - their love of texture, fatalistic love, the dark side of human desires etc. But watching this, I feel their differences are more pronounced - Lynch loves puzzles & working in his inner logic, Grandrieux is only interested in images. And these are not criticism at all for either one of the artists. Just an observation. But seriously, narrative is for wimps.

#philippegrandrieux #arianelabed #roxanemesquida

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
213 followers · 491 posts · Server universeodon.com

If one could describe a certain cinema as a pure sensory experience, where one can feeeel (as Bruce Lee would say) it without licking the celluloid, Un Lac would be it. The film's darkness gripped me and never let me go. It can convey so much more than light and Grandrieux knows this. All in all, Un Lac is a lovely experience. If you are interested in watching this, I suggest watching it alone with the headphones on with all the lights off.

#philippegrandrieux #hapticcinema #sensory #unlac

Last updated 2 years ago