42 years ago:
The Tango of Jealousy (IT)
Original title: Il tango della gelosia
Lucia has been married for ten years with Julius who is fond of horses and seems to prefer his wife. Lucy tries then ingelosirlo inventing a lover who sends flowers with tickets compromising and makes mysterious phone calls. But Julius seems immune to any kind of jealousy. Then one day is hired as a...
#TheTangoofJealousy #MonicaVitti #PhilippeLeroy #JennyTamburi
#thetangoofjealousy #MonicaVitti #philippeleroy #jennytamburi
49 years ago:
The Night Porter (IT)
Original title: Il portiere di notte
A concentration camp survivor discovers her former torturer and lover working as a porter at a hotel in postwar Vienna. When the couple attempt to re-create their sadomasochistic relationship, his former SS comrades begin to stalk them.
#TheNightPorter #LilianaCavani #DirkBogarde #CharlotteRampling #PhilippeLeroy #WomenInFilm #Movies
#thenightporter #lilianacavani #dirkbogarde #CharlotteRampling #philippeleroy #womeninfilm #movies
57 years ago:
Seven Golden Men Strike Again (ES,IT,FR)
Original title: Il grande colpo dei 7 uomini d'oro
The Professor (Leroy) and his men are captured by U.S. agents during an attempted train robbery. To avoid jail, they must kidnap a Latin dictator.
#SevenGoldenMenStrikeAgain #PhilippeLeroy #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#sevengoldenmenstrikeagain #philippeleroy #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
35 years ago:
Don Bosco (IT)
#DonBosco #BenGazzara #PatsyKensit #PhilippeLeroy #RikBattaglia #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#donbosco #bengazzara #patsykensit #philippeleroy #rikbattaglia #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film