Torsten Hesse · @torsten_hesse
14 followers · 86 posts · Server

„Am Ende zählt nur eins: auf der richtigen Seite stehen. Doch für vier Menschen in dieser Geschichte, alle aus Idealismus an einem Ort der Gewalt im kolumbianischen Dschungel gekommen, ist die Grenze zwischen Gut und Böse längst verwischt … [...]“ (Umschlagtext)


(Übersetzung: Hannes Meyer)

#lesewinter #roman #philklay #suhrkamp #sudamerika #kolumbien #krieg #imperialismus #usa #frieden #gesellschaft #lesen #leseratte #leselust #bucher #literatur

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
189 followers · 767 posts · Server

“Most people think that a person is whatever you see before you, walking around in bone and meat and blood, but that is an idiocy. Bone and meat and blood just exists, but to exist is not to live, and bone and meat and blood alone is not a person. A person is what happens when there is a family, and a town, a place where you are known. Where every person who knows you holds a small, invisible mirror, and in each mirror, held by family and friends and enemies, is a different reflection. In one mirror, the sweet fat boy I was to my mother. In another, the little imp I was to my father. In another, the irritating brat I was to Gustavo. A person is what happens when you gather all these reflections around a body. So what happens when one by one the people holding those mirrors are taken from you? It’s simple. The person dies. And the bone and meat and blood goes on, walking the earth as if the person still existed, when God and the angels know he doesn’t.”


Last updated 2 years ago