Gizmodo: Across the Spider-Verse Kept Spider-Punk In Because of Daniel Kaluuya #alternativeversionsofspiderman #spidermaninothermedia #entertainmentculture #joaquimdossantos #spidermaninfilm #danielkaluuya #doctoroctopus #milesmorales #spiderverse #chrismiller #peterparker #spiderpunk #hobiebrown #benreilly #spiderman #phillord #prowler #miles #phil
#alternativeversionsofspiderman #spidermaninothermedia #entertainmentculture #joaquimdossantos #spidermaninfilm #danielkaluuya #doctoroctopus #milesmorales #spiderverse #chrismiller #peterparker #spiderpunk #hobiebrown #benreilly #spiderman #phillord #prowler #miles #phil
Kotaku: Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse Is Hard To Hear, Some Viewers Say #gaming #tech #kotaku #filmsusingcomputergeneratedimagery #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #actionadventuregames #spidermanfilms #kennethshepard #creativeworks #spiderverse #zackzwiezen #beat27emups #jamesblake #spiderman #macgargan #gwenstacy #phillord #films #vert #phil #imax #uzi #lil
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #filmsusingcomputergeneratedimagery #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #actionadventuregames #spidermanfilms #kennethshepard #creativeworks #spiderverse #zackzwiezen #beat27emups #jamesblake #spiderman #macgargan #gwenstacy #phillord #films #vert #phil #imax #uzi #lil
#Amazon and #TheLostCity's #OrenUziel are developing a live-action series based on #Marvel's #SpiderManNoir, which follows an older, grizzled superhero in 1930s New York City. The series is also being developed with #SpiderManIntoTheSpiderVerse producers #PhilLord and #ChristopherMiller, and #AmyPascal and #SonyPicturesTelevision. #television #streaming #Marvel
#amazon #thelostcity #orenuziel #marvel #spidermannoir #spidermanintothespiderverse #phillord #christophermiller #amypascal #sonypicturestelevision #television #streaming
Después de su atraso, la primera parte de #Spiderman #AcrossTheSpiderVerse llegará en junio de 2023, mientras que la segunda será en 2024.🕷️
¡El productor #PhilLord asegura que usarán todo lo que aprendieron en #TheMitchellsVsTheMachines para crecer la ambición de esta película!
#Spiderman #acrossthespiderverse #phillord #themitchellsvsthemachines