The "One, but not the same" results that we detected in English speakers ( replicated 6 times in Lithuanian speakers (
When people read about morally altered people being "different, they [thought] the person [wa]s qualitatively transformed, but numerically intact."
#ExperimentalPhilosophy #xPhi #Philosophy #PhilMind #PersonalIdentity #QuantPsych #DecisionScience #CogSci #psychometrics #Linguistics #CrossCulturalResearch
#experimentalphilosophy #xPhi #philosophy #philmind #personalidentity #quantpsych #decisionscience #cogsci #psychometrics #linguistics #crossculturalresearch
Does #curiosity refer to just one thing?
There seem to be two (related) notions:
Curiosity1: goal-directed information seeking — e.g., following a string of citations to find the source of a particular claim.
Curiosity2: exploratory information seeking — e.g., watching whatever explainer video is recommended next, even if it’s about a different question or topic.
Metcalfe & Jacobs:
#curiosity #psychology #philmind #philsci #measurement #psychometrics
How can large language models achieve the reflective reasoning my colleagues and I study?
Today Samuel Bellini-Leite will explain (and I may get to ask questions). Set a reminder to watch on YouTube (starting at 1100 Pacific/1400 Eastern/1800 UTC):
Dr. Bellini-Leite's 2023 preprint suggests that Chain-of-Thought prompting and Tree of Thought systems will be key:
#ai #llm #gpt4 #cogsci #philmind #compsci #epistemology
Teresa McCormack closed the #SPP2023 #preconference on #memory with “The value of remembering and anticipating experiences: a developmental perspective”
It was—as Teresa put it—dangerously close to an #xPhi talk. It adapted a famous thought experiment (from Derek Parfit?) to test kids’ and adults’ intuitions about how much we care about past, present, or future versions of us.
Follow Dr. McCormack on gScholar:
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #xPhi #personalidentity #philmind #psychology #DevPsych #p4c
Katherine Puddifoot presented “Ameliorating Memory”—with with Marina Trakas
The idea was that memory systems may help explain certain biases and prejudices that social scientists observe—a.k.a., #mneumonicInjustice.
This cited philosophers like Miranda Fricker et al.
Katherine Puddifoot on gScholar:
#mneumonicinjustice #philosophy #ethics #philmind
Catching up on the #SPP2023 #preconference on #memory:
Felipe De Brigaard introduced us to the topic and some recent trends before a series of talks ensued.
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #philosophy #philmind #philosophyofmemory #google #ngram
Tamar Kushnir’s #SPP2023 presidential address tried to answer, “When do children become responsible for moral decisions?”
Evidence suggests people’s opinions vary by culture, as do laws, but there’s evidence that kids develop the ability to understand moral aspects of decisions (including that some decisions seem to be moral).
Find/follow Dr. Kushnir on gScholar:
#spp2023 #DevPsych #ethics #philmind #cogsci #xPhi
Dr. Soter points out that voluntarism has focused on the process of appraisal and then turns our attention to a “backend” or “indirect” control (evidence gathering, inquiry, etc.) of belief formation.
Soter argues we have this backend/indirect control and then responds to some objections, thereby reinvigorating doxastic voluntarism.
You can find/follow Laura research on gScholar:
#xPhi #epistemology #philmind #psychology
Eric Mandelbaum won the #SPP2023 Stanton Prize. 🎉
Eric thought Noam Chomsky might attend, which helps explains Eric talking about #propaganda, whether it’s getting worse, and the (bounded) rationality of how we consume it.
It was very Eric—i.e., very Fodorian and very funny.
Chaz Firestone’s introduction of Eric was immaculate.
You can find Eric’s work (including recent ventures into empirical research) on gScholar:
#spp2023 #propaganda #philmind #philosophyoflanguage #epistemology
Melissa Kibbe shared “Function Arithmetic Computations Over Pre-Symbolic Representations of Quantity in Infants and Children” at #SPP2023:
Research with Cheng empirically distinguished nonsymbolic arithmetic (noticing one physical object is placed next to another) from symbolic arithmetic (1+1=2) are algorithmically distinct, which may limit transfer from nonsymbolic arithmetic formal math.
Find/follow Dr. Kibbe on gScholar:
#spp2023 #DevPsych #math #xPhi #cogsci #philmind
Caren Walker presented "Children Consider Future Learning Goals During Information Search" with/for Liz Lapidow (who was sick, absent).
Puzzle: evidence is mixed about whether kids are "intuitive scientists" or bad at scientific thinking (controlling for variables).
Modified task suggested kids *can be* intuitive scientists when the task dissociates different goals that kids might have during the task.
Paper on gScholar:
#DevPsych #cogsci #philsci #philmind #causation
Isaac Davis presented "Inferring the Internal Structure of Social Collectives".
Isaac, Yarrow Dunham, and Julian Jara-Ettinger designed social vignettes to test their computational model of how people infer social structure (e.g., hierarchies) from a domain-general statistical learning mechanism and domain-specific social knowledge.
They think 2 experiments "support our account".
#SPP2023 #socialPsych #PhilMind #cogSci #politics #ComputationalModeling #xPhi
#spp2023 #socialpsych #philmind #cogsci #politics #ComputationalModeling #xPhi
The 2nd #AI session talk at #SPP2023 was given by Sam Whitman McGrath and Jacob Russin: "Can Deep Learning Inform Explanation in Cognitive Science?"—the slides also credited Roman Feiman, Ellie Pavlick, and Randy O-Reilly.
They take a middle ground view between two existing views—an underrated move in academia?
You can follow this kind of work via Jacob's ResearchGate page:
I could not find a followable webpage for Sam.
#ai #spp2023 #philmind #cogsci #deeplearning #llm
In the #ArtificialIntelligence session of #SPP2023, Celine Budding presents "Tacit Knowledge and Top-Down Experiments for Explaining How Large Language Models Work"
Dr. Budding proposes "We can conceptualize what #LLMs learn as ...tacit #knowledge".
Implications for how the systems work, allow for interventions on the systems, and provoke hypotheses and experiments.
Find/follow Celine's publications on gScholar:
#artificialintelligence #spp2023 #LLMs #knowledge #ai #cs #compsci #philmind #philsci #psych
This year the XIX Congress of the International Association of Women Philosophers will take place in Buenos Aires, from july 31 to august 4
#philosophy #Women #Argentina #ethics #history #education #enviromental #anthropology #logic #metaphysics #philsci #ancientphilosophy #medievalpilosophy #aesthetics #political #knowledge #law #language #philmind #mind #science
Approved Symposia/Simposios aprobados:
#philosophy #women #argentina #ethics #history #education #enviromental #anthropology #logic #metaphysics #philsci #AncientPhilosophy #medievalpilosophy #aesthetics #political #knowledge #law #language #philmind #mind #science
"How much human-like visual experience do current SSL algorithms need to achieve human-level object recognition?"
The attempt to answer this question on Emin Orhan's poster stood out to me:
> 1000 hours of video footage were used to generate extrapolations that might answer this question.
"In a nutshell... our current SSL algorithms... need orders of magnitude more" data to perform as well as we do.
#computerScience #AI #computerVision #PhilMind #DeepLearning #cogSci
#computerscience #ai #computervision #philmind #deeplearning #cogsci
In “#MachineLearning and Moderate Empiricism”, @cameron_buckner shrewdly points out how many of the thoughts and questions that computer scientists and #AI enthusiasts are having about #ML have been well articulated and answered in the #history of empiricist #philosophyOfMind (as opposed to #nativist #philmind).
The broad strokes of some of this talk are fleshed out in a chapter of his forthcoming book, which he helpfully posted to his website:
#machinelearning #ai #ml #history #philosophyofmind #nativist #philmind #openaccess #cogsci
#ImplicitBias isn’t “unconscious”?
“…participants in all 17 studies were able to accurately predict the patterns of their IAT results (…b = .44) …across samples, settings [online vs. in-person lab studies], countries …, and languages…. [These] results strengthen the hypothesis that cognitions reflected on implicit evaluations are accessible to conscious awareness.”
#socialPsychology #metaAnalysis #preprint #bias #unconsciousBias #decisionScience #cogSci #PhilMind
#implicitbias #socialpsychology #metaanalysis #preprint #bias #UnconsciousBias #decisionscience #cogsci #philmind
I am deeply impressed by @lisabortolotti's leadership and initiatives at @PhilosophicalPsychology.
What an honor to serve on its editorial board.
#PhilMind #PhilCogSci #PhilBio #Psychology #CognitiveScience #MentalHealth
#PhilosophicalPsychology #philmind #philcogsci #philbio #psychology #cognitivescience #mentalhealth
Next #KLIColloquium with Isabella Sarto-Jackson on her new book: The Making and Breaking of Minds.
A #SocialBrain hypothesis with important implications for teenage and early adult education and policies. Neuroscientist ISJ has worked with multiple agencies to push for progress on this front.
Nov 24, 3pm (CET) #KLIAustria
#Hybrid #Zoom meeting
#Plasticity #Neuroscience #Brain #PhilosophyofCognitiveScience #PhilCogSci #PhilMind #CognitiveNeuroScience
#KLIColloquium #socialbrain #KLIAustria #hybrid #Zoom #plasticity #neuroscience #brain #philosophyofcognitivescience #philcogsci #philmind #CognitiveNeuroscience #vernonpress