Still #hilarious
How she keeps a #straight #face all the time through is #beyond me 🤣
#hilarious #straight #face #beyond #philomena #mockumentary
#DailyStream: Sinéad O’Connor was right about the Catholic Church. 2013’s #Philomena is a deeply affecting true-life story of the nightmare Magdalene laundries, the first cry-until-you-laugh dramedy I’ve ever seen. Streaming @PrimeVideo US, @DisneyPlusUK.
I guess I’m not wearing these red sandals today. #hostage #catsofmasto #philomena
#hostage #catsofmasto #philomena
First clip captured by the new security camera. #video #philomena #catsofmastodon
#catsofmastodon #philomena #video
watching Philomena Cunk and oh jeez 😂😆🙉 #Philomena #Cunk
I love #philomena from an ui Perspektive but there API and API documentation is clunky
For all the ponies out there, #Derpibooru has an #RSSfeed
feed for you on your watchlist settings page.
You can automagically get updates whenever a new picture on Derpi gets posted or added to your watchlist.
I really love the software they use to run Derpi and hope some of the other boorus either switch over or add the features it has. #Philomena (the software name)
#philomena #rssfeed #derpibooru
Happy #caturday from the floof in my lap. #philomena #LuckyBlackCat
#LuckyBlackCat #philomena #caturday
Today is Philomena’s gotcha day! Here’s her mugshot from kitty jail. #catsofmasto #philomena #humanesociety
#humanesociety #philomena #catsofmasto
Hats nicht mehr ins neue Jahr geschafft...
#Vatikan, #Papst, #Tod
Darüber werden die Medien zur genüge berichten.
Aber auch #Philomena Franz ist gestorben.
- Auschwitz-Überlebende
- Autorin
- Aufklärerin
- Trägerin des Bundesverdiesntkreuzes
- "Frau Europas 2001"
#philomena #Tod #Papst #Vatikan
"Wenn wir hassen, verlieren wir – wenn wir lieben, werden wir reich.“
Die Sintiza, Überlebende und Zeitzeugin des Holocaust, Trägerin des Bundesverdienstkreuzes am Bande und Bergisch Gladbacher Ehrenbürgerin #Philomena #Franz ist gestorben. #Dundalk Legend #DavidKeenan celebrating his Love for his Nanny #Philomena ..... #Mastodaoine
#dundalk #davidkeenan #philomena #mastodaoine