I usually use an example to make the 17th century concept of reality and perfection as something gradual more plausible to my students and tell them we'd all agree that I am more real and thus more perfect than Harry Potter. It usually really helps them to accept the basic idea.
Now today I wanted to exclude any reference to a certain author from my classroom and went for being more real and thus more perfect than Gandalf instead. The students promptly rejected that claim.
As you can see, I'm teaching Descartes' second meditation today. #Philostodon #Philosophy #PhilosopherAtWork
#philostodon #philosophy #philosopheratwork
Today's questions are
The corporeal turn: What is it? Why is it? How do I implement it in my first chapter? Who came up with the term? Were phenomenologists just jealous when the incredibly fancy-sounding "linguistic turn" came up and wanted a turn of their own? Is it mostly a cultural studies thing by now or does it have any philosophical merit?
Let's find out.
#philostodon #philosopheratwork
Actually the occasional home office day isn't too bad if you really want to get some reading done. The book I'm skimming through right now is a socioanthropological analysis of modern society and kinda all over the place, assembling thoughts on human-pet-relationships, health systems and the difference between impressionist and expressionist art without any clear structure, so it's super hard to focus on. Today I already worked through 65 pages. This is a clear win. #PhilosopherAtWork
There was a weird moment where I had to tell someone "Sorry I can't hang today, I want to keep reading this fascinating book on Dilthey's philosophy of history" and they just looked at me like I was talking complete gibberish.
Let's just say that I may be into the most boring philosophy ever right now and I srsly don't know how I got here.
#philosophy #philosopheratwork
Today I read several super helpful papers on Dilthey's anthropology.
I also made it beyond Kant's chapter on phaenomena and noumena in the Critique of Pure Reason and to his criticism of Leibniz' Monadology. I have never ventured this far. So exciting. #Philosophy #PhilosopherAtWork
#philosophy #philosopheratwork
In the highly unlikely case you are interested: Dilthey can, in fact, be cosidered a Neo-Kantian in the broader sense, because he transformed the Kantian categories into something closer to his own philosophy of life. However, he did not care to be considered a Kantian philosopher himself, so as always, the answer ist both yes and no. #PhilosopherAtWork
I finished the highly informative text which practically had lightbulbs appear over my head regarding Plessner's attempt to extend Kant's Transcendental Arsthetics.
I still have some additional reading energy left, so after a short break I shall read a paper on whether German philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911) can be considered a Neo-Kantian. #philosopheratwork
At work today I learned more about Kant's synthetic principles, 19th century reception of the Malleus maleficarum and the ethical and aesthetical theory of German 20th century philospher Nicolai Hartmann. It was an all over the place reading session obviously and I'm calling it a day now. #philosophy #philosopheratwork
#philosophy #philosopheratwork