Greg Restall · @consequently
917 followers · 81 posts · Server

After a short summer break exploring Scotland, it’s time to slowly get back into the saddle, giving a few talks, and preparing for the new academic year’s teaching.

First up, a short visit to Bochum for a PhD exam, and an impromptu talk on non-classical models for the identity predicate.

#logic #modeltheory #prooftheory #philosophicallogic

Last updated 1 year ago

Jencel Panic · @abuseofnotation
315 followers · 487 posts · Server

And (even though it may come last when you are learning a theory) the feeling is what comes *first* to for person who creates the theory - they have a *feeling* about a given phenomenon, and then they articulate some of it in a theory.

#philosophy #philosophicallogic

Last updated 1 year ago

Yoriyuki Yamagata · @yoriyuki
1 followers · 1 posts · Server


I'm a researcher interested in theoretical computer science, software engineering, mathematical logic, also related philosophical topics.

My recent papers:

"On proving consistency of equational theories in Bounded Arithmetic". Arnold Beckmann and Yoriyuki Yamagata, preprint:

"Consistency proof of a fragment of PV with substitution in bounded arithmetic." Yoriyuki Yamagata, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 2018:

Software Engineering:
(2020). "Falsification of cyber-physical systems using deep reinforcement learning", Yamagata, Y., Liu, S., Akazaki, T., Duan, Y., & Hao, J, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 47(12), 2823-2840 (2021),

, "On the notion of validity for the bilateral classical logic", Suzuki, Ukyo & Yamagata, Yoriyuki, preprint:

Extra: COVID19
"Individual-based epidemiological model of COVID19 using location data". In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 4434-4442). IEEE.

#introduction #COVID19 #philosophyoflanguage #philosophicallogic #philosophy #softwareengineering #boundedarithmetic #mathematicallogic #logic

Last updated 1 year ago